Finding the Fulcrum Back in High school one subject I couldn’t - TopicsExpress


Finding the Fulcrum Back in High school one subject I couldn’t just digest was economics. I just couldn’t believe in a perfectly elastic situation versus a perfectly inelastic situation. I refused to understand that such situations are a possibility. For those of us who have forgotten our economics, let’s recap …. Perfectly elastic – Supply will not be altered no matter what the price fluctuation might be. Perfectly inelastic – Price will not be altered no matter what the supply fluctuation might be. Now tell me this! As professionals operating in your respective industries have you ever experienced either of the two. I haven’t for sure, but it took me ages to figure that these constants are taught to set the right balance in your Price and Supply. OK enough economics; let’s apply this theory to our frequency of training. In my world of training a perfectly elastic and inelastic situation can be expressed as follows; Perfectly elastic – Your exercises will not change no matter how much time you put into your training. Perfectly inelastic – The Training time will not change no matter how many exercises you slot in. Confusing?? Let me explain further ….. Perfectly elastic Training – Let’s say that you are the guy who trains the same workout for two hours in the morning and also finds the time to train two hours in the evening during the entire week. You are obsessed with training to a point where you put your body through hell for hours during a week, which in laymen’s term is called OVERTRAINING. Dangers of such a situation • Poor recovery. Your muscles wear and tear during workouts, and if the necessary rest and nutrition is not provided for it prior to the next workout, your performance will be affected. • Injury. You are more prone towards injuring yourself during high intensity workouts. Perfectly inelastic Training – Now you are the guy who trains just 10 minutes a day for 05 days. You do a variety of workouts from weights to plyo to cardio in 05 days but see no results at all in the way you look or your strength. In laymen’s terms I call them THE SMARTASS LAZY LASSIES. Dangers of such a situation • No gains. You don’t concentrate on one objective within a period. Trying to do everything for everything is not possible in training. • Directionless. It’s pointless to do so much in so little time. You’ll look like just another guy who trains ‘cos he has to – not because he wants to. The Solution Find the right balance in your training. I know it’s easier said than done – but here’s a few tips that helps me in my game ….. • Listen to your body. If your body is screaming in pain after your last workout – it’s prudent to eat and sleep well to recover. • Watch your nutrition – Make sure you eat the right food to recover fast. • Balance your training. It’s ok to train two times in a day but make sure you do two different workouts in a day. Eg: If you military pressed in the morning don’t do pushups in the evening. Instead work on your squats or run. • Be goal focused. Don’t try to do everything in one training cycle. You can’t expect your weights to go up and also loose fat at the same time. Focus on one – achieve it then move on to the other. It’s not easy to find the right training fulcrum. It differs from individual to individual, but it’s up to them to find the right point to strike the right balance. Don’t worry, you’ll just know when you do. Keep training Hard m/
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 03:35:04 +0000

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