Finding the best and the most suitable free diet plan for you is - TopicsExpress


Finding the best and the most suitable free diet plan for you is beneficial especially if you aim to stick to a healthy meal plan which can guide you in removing excess fats without having to spend anything. But during the process of choosing the best diet plan, you need to make sure that you pick the most varied, well-balanced and easy to follow option. Here are just few of the best diet plans that you can try at home that don’t require you to spend money excessively: 1. Diet Plan with 3 Meals and 1-2 Snacks a Day. This meal plan often requires you to focus on getting around two to three servings of lean protein, three to five servings of healthy grains and 3 servings of calcium every day. Each of your 3 daily meals should also come with at least one vegetable or fruit. One of the many things that make this meal plan impressive is that it allows treating yourself to mini-splurges every once in a while. These include sipping a glass of wine, consuming creamy soup and eating a small cookie. Just make sure that you avoid doing all these treats on a single day. 2. Grapefruit Diet. Also referred to as the 3-day diet, the Grapefruit diet refers to a fad diet plan which involves the consumption of one-half part of a grapefruit when taking your meals to rapidly lose weight. Grapefruit is known as a citrus fruit packed with vitamins that promote fullness even with minimal calorie intake. The fruit is also recognized for its ability to burn calories and curb your appetite. Aside from eating grapefruits, this free diet plan also frequently includes taking black coffee, banana, toast and egg for breakfast, crackers, cottage cheese and black coffee for lunch and steamed vegetables, black coffee and tuna for dinner. 3. Low GI Diet. This free diet plan involves the use of glycemic index to take complete control of your blood sugar and reach your weight lose goals. Note, however, that the low GI diet does not necessarily mean sticking to meal plans that are really low in fats and calories. It usually requires you to select low GI and nutrient-dense foods including legumes, fruits, whole grains and vegetables. To obtain excellent results from this diet plan, consider consuming a minimum of 1200 calories every day. This is helpful in proper metabolic function. You also need to ensure that most of your carb intake is composed of non-starchy vegetables, beans, whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal and fruits including pears, apples, berries and citrus. Among the foods to avoid when trying to stick to a low GI diet are foods that are high in sugar, fruits rich in natural sugars like tropical fruits and foods manufactured using refined white flour including bread and pasta. 4. Carb Free Diet. This free diet plan requires you to avoid eating foods that have high carbohydrate content like granola bars, breakfast cereals, baked goods, pasta, rice, fruits, yogurt, milk, starchy vegetables and sugary foods. It involves sticking to a meal plan which places great emphasis on consuming non-starchy vegetables and moderate amounts of protein-rich foods including fish, meat, poultry, cheese, eggs and sea foods. It also involves taking generous amounts of healthy fats from olive and coconut oil, cream, salad dressings, nuts, avocado, butter and mayonnaise. If you plan to follow the no-carb diet, then you should remember that healthy fats will serve as your body’s main source of fuel.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 05:21:54 +0000

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