Finding the way forward, is when you are willing to listen to - TopicsExpress


Finding the way forward, is when you are willing to listen to yourself and be fearless that figuring out your next step becomes easy. In our lives we have many opportunities to move forward and multiple choices we can make. Those who listen to themselves and know their paths are wide, smooth, and clearly marked. They know where they are going and the next step to take. They are the few who have done their homework and have clarity. They have inner peace and knowledge of who they are. Many of us come to a cross road and are not sure where we need to go next. The most direct route to fulfilment and knowing your life’s purpose may not seem easy to find. There are many ways to discover what the next step on your life path should be. One of the best ways to find life’s path is to look within yourself, write your own eulogy commemorating your life. What is it that you want to be known for? Look into your soul, what makes you truly happy? What gets you out of bed each morning? what do you look forward to? What gives you satisfaction? It is vital that you make this enquiry! Often, your inner voice will counsel you that it’s time for a change, and it is very important to trust yourself because only you know what is best for you. Personal growth always results when you let yourself expand beyond the farthest borders of what your life has been so far. When figuring out what your next step will be, you may want to review your life experiences. The choices you have made and the dreams you have held onto can give you an idea of what you don’t want to do anymore and what you might like to do next. Think about creative ways you can use your skills and satisfy your passions. Visualizing your perfect future and making a list of ways to create that future can help you choose a logical next step. It is when you listen to yourself, looking at where you have been and where you want to be through your eulogy that figuring out your next step becomes easy. Go beyond the fear, hesitation, uncertainty and doubt! Take a baby step, use your inner knowing that always knows which baby step you need to take. Allow yourself to put the toe in the water, allow yourself to experience the taking of the next step. You will find it easier than your assumed, it is as easy as putting one foot in front of the next, you will notice that your next step is always the one that is right in front of you. All you have to do is put one foot forward and on the ground
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:54:20 +0000

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