Finish reading The Stalking of Julia Gillard. The book made me - TopicsExpress


Finish reading The Stalking of Julia Gillard. The book made me angry is a number of ways but the feeble, unquestioning, credulous pack mentality of the parliamentary press gallery was beyond pale. Further seen with the free run (apart from the odd Fairfax journo) that the current government is receiving (though without the amplification of News Ltd and the shock jocks the message isnt spread as far). Gillard as a prime minister was a combination of some obvious flaws but also remarkable strengths. But the campaign to bring her down gleefully aided by the press gallery was disgusting. A really sad indictment of what is wrong with the media (and the Labor party as well). Now to (finally) turn my attention to Tim Dunlops The New Front Page.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:52:19 +0000

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