Finished watching 12 Years a Slave. Im completely stunned, - TopicsExpress


Finished watching 12 Years a Slave. Im completely stunned, transfixed. Emotionally affected. You do not watch this movie and pretend to remain unscathed after two hours. The power of cinema is such that it redefines you in the inside. You are transformed to a person with newer outlook on things while immobile in your couch. And I tell you I am a cineast who is very hard to please. I couldnt even pause the DVD player to eat my dinner on the dining table. I had to continue watching, and ate while at it. The horrors of slavery made me cringe. I cried--unashamedly--tears of sympathy and hate. Human trafficking is another curse that must be eradicated, I declared to myself with clenched teeth. I screamed with Patsey while she received undeservedly those unspeakable inhumanities and lashes. I hurled expletives at Michael Fassbender as the slavebreaker. I dont have much liking for Brad Pitt, but I think I liked his role here as a traitor to his race. I rejoiced with Chiwetel Ejiofor as the unfortunate Solomon Northup when at last he re-attains his freedom and his home. And I agreed with the Academy in conferring this movie the Best Picture honor this year. Steve McQueen the director is a black. I think its no wonder why he had to do this movie. It must have given him no small amount of exhilaration and vindication. Move over, Steven Spielberg--though youre still my favorite director! I admired your Amistad, but forgive my assessment: it is a walk in the park compared to 12 Years... Cinema makes you forget reality for a while. Where is my phone? For two hours I completely forgot it existed. I looked around, my room, garage, restrooms, even under my bed. It was nowhere to be found! Patay! I panicked. I had walked Val and Ash, my dogs, before watching the movie. No, I was sure I did not drop or misplace it along the way; I checked on Facebook before I started watching. But where is my phone? I found it, finally, at the last place where you would put your phone in. Refrigerator! Luckily it still worked after being chilled. Cinema makes you forget reality. Indeed.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:13:30 +0000

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