(Finn comes into the office where Li is working and he looks very - TopicsExpress


(Finn comes into the office where Li is working and he looks very angry) Li: Hi Finn. Oh, you dont look that happy today... Here, have a bit of cheese. Finn: No thanks, Li. Li: Its tasty! Italian cheese – my favourite. Finn: Thank you, Li. But, Im sorry, Im just in a terrible mood today. Do you know I have to spend the whole weekend writing a report? Li: Oh really…? Finn: Well, the boss said my first draft wasnt good enough and asked me to do the whole thing again by Monday! Li: Not much fun. Sorry Finn. Are you sure you dont want some cheese? Finn: No. No cheese for me, thanks. Im… Im really cheesed off! Li: Cheesed off? Is that a medical problem…? You cant eat cheese? Finn: No. In English, to be cheesed off means to be really annoyed. Im so cheesed off! You can also say to cheese someone off – so, writing reports really cheeses me off. Li: So… now I know why youre cheesed off. Finn: Yes, cheesed off is todays expression in Authentic Real English. Lets hear some examples of how its used. Working with Caroline is not easy. She gets really cheesed off when people dont agree with her. My sister cheeses me off. She borrows all my clothes and never returns them! Li: No need to be cheesed off, Finn. I can help you with your report. Finn: Oh really. Youre such a sweetie, Li! Li: But you have to do what I say… Finn: Ok … what do I have to do? Li: First thing: have some of this cheese! Finn: Oh, okay. Mmm… mmmmm… this is quite delicious! Can I have some more? Li: You see. I knew you would feel better after eating something. You werent just angry – you were hungry! Feeling a bit better now? Finn: Oh yes. Oh, lovely. Thank you. Now, lets get this done. Bye. Li: Bye.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 08:41:12 +0000

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