First - remember this - God enables YOU to do any and everything - TopicsExpress


First - remember this - God enables YOU to do any and everything He has allowed into your life! Keep your focus on HIM! We are ALL blessed to have strength one day at a time to carry on in our everyday lives, no matter how easy or hard our days are. Its an honor to serve God! Its one day at a time in our daily walk through life with excitement of our future after this life passes. I had the honor and privilege to keep Drew this past weekend while Michael and Angela went for a weekend trip to celebrate their anniversary. WOW - I knew she had a busy life taking care of precious Drew and John David, but I experienced what all she does for Drew for three days in a row. She gives medicine and/or feeds him at these times every day: 7:00 a.m.; 7:30 a.m.; 10:30 a.m.; 1:30 p.m.; 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Medicine and food have to be measured exactly and then you have to make sure he takes it all and at the right time. When he doesnt like certain meds, he will clinch that little sweet mouth shut as if to say - NO WAY! But you have to persevere to get it in his mouth! There are many other things she does on a regular basis like document everything she does with the amount of fluids he drinks, the weight of his diapers, keeps up with his sodium levels, weighs his food and liquids in grams to the point exactly since he is on the Ketogentic Diet. She also takes him to therapy many times a week, does therapy with him at home everyday and takes him to many doctors appointments on a regular basis! Hes also very heavy to lift and carry (Im a weakling and need to be working out more.) He doesnt sleep the night through - he coos and talks during the night and has to be moved in different positions throughout the night, therefore there is no way she ever gets to sleep the night through. Plus she does even more every 24 hours! He is improving day by day and we thank God for that. She does a GREAT job with John David, his school work, being a room mother and going to all of his sports activities. Im not sharing this all for you to feel sorry for her as she never complains and LOVES the honor to raise this precious baby and John David. Im sharing it so the next time you see someone with special needs be sure and pray for Gods continued strength and focus for the parents as He guides them daily. Im blessed to have the time to help Angela on a regular basis and now she is getting ready to have a baby girl. Her due date is May 2nd. This will be my second grandbaby girl and fourth grandbaby so far! I cant wait to watch this baby girl and Mackenzie grow up as close cousins! I told John David (the last time he spent the night with me) that he is a great big brother to Drew and that he will be a great big brother and protector for this baby sister as well! I LOVE being Mia to John David, Drew and Mackenzie. It is such a blessing!!!!!! Thank you Angela and April for adding so much joy to my life with your families! God enriches my life more and more every day. I praise Him and give Him all the glory!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:04:26 +0000

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