First I want to thank everyone for the thoughts, kind words, and - TopicsExpress


First I want to thank everyone for the thoughts, kind words, and prayers. They are very much appreciated by my dad, my family and I. I have passed each message on to my dad. As promised, once we had some answers from the doctors I would update everyone. I almost didnt, because honestly, Im not one who usually posts personal business on here, I was just desperate for prayers! But Ive seen several posts regarding my dad that may have created more questions than theyve answered. Now for the update, unfortunately it was not good news, in fact it was horrible news. The doctors have done every scan, screen, X-ray, lab, etc known to man; theyve consulted with many many specialist - all to ensure we were given the most accurate information. My father has Stage IV renal cancer that has metastasized to many parts of his body. Surgery is not an option because the tumor in his kidney is so massive and invasive there is just no way to get it all even if he were able to survive the surgery, which they tell us he would not. Radiation is not an option because so many areas are effected. Chemo... Chemo we have chosen not to do because the drs have advised would only cause him suffering and not help a bit. So the plan now is to get him home on Hospice as soon as we can and keep him comfortable and keep him happy. Those of you who know my dad - this means eating all his favorite foods (the man loves to eat! - and thank God he still has an appetite) telling jokes and spending what very little time he has left with his family and friends. It will takes us a few days to get him home and settled in, but once that happens we welcome you to come visit; if possible however, I ask that you call first just because we dont want him overwhelmed or over tired. I must warn you of one thing if you do visit - you will not be entering a house of mourning!!! Though my dad is very much aware of his prognosis, we will not dwell on this in front of him. We are determined to keep the mood happy and light so that, not only can we enjoy what little time we have left with and make memories that will now have to last a lifetime, but also, we want HIS last days to be memorable and as pleasant as possible for him. So leave your tears at the door 😉 and please do not think us crazy! Were just trying to put his needs before our own. Sorry to rattle on, if you know me, you know I do that! Lol. Again I thank you for your prayers - please keep them coming - he needs them now more than ever!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:22:09 +0000

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