First I will say all folks who have negative responses to the - TopicsExpress


First I will say all folks who have negative responses to the crackhead fundamentalists creationists movement seem to get blocked on Huff these days, so everyone who can should flood this system, so these money changers in the temple get the message, we dont buy your crap no more! Read the article, obviously I am pointing out a few rich can get a by-line, no matter how ridiculous. But Neil is plainly explaining how things work to the masses, like Carl did, with loads of new, proven scientifically facts. [not BS] my response below is my opinion. Once again we have a social, exclusive, non-democratic, non-science group trying to deny science with childlike rhetoric based on committee written books from a couple of thousand years ago in a few instant, in some cases.The creationists on the other hand have invented, cherry picked gobbly-gook, little from recognized religious texts to support what they perceive as science, using it to cloud the uninformed with the help of rich paying for active twisters of words. There is not a scintilla of facts based in real science in their diatribes, if there were any, they would have been presented by them for evaluation by now. Hopefully this silly ass, out in the open challenge to science, will finally end the religious rein of stupid on earth. Many have soft rejections to this bile! So the time for allowing a known scam to continue has come to an end, all humans must stop giving it temporary validity, while claiming to examine their agenda, the truth is here, and there is nothing of relevancy in their positions, on anything. Joe6pK
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 19:05:34 +0000

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