First, Id like to say that my page isnt about raising funds to - TopicsExpress


First, Id like to say that my page isnt about raising funds to care for my daughter, Im not posting to hustle anyone, I post to share this journey through her treatment. Having a place to share what is going on is both cathartic and maybe someday it will help someone else see that things like this happen. Maybe I can be the friend to a friend in need. I certainly dont object to being on that side of the equation. Today, someone asked a very important question, challenging the need for fund raising efforts being made for my daughter and two other children in our community. Isnt my daughter insured? Arent her medical costs being covered? I can only speak for our situation. Yes. Amira has health coverage, yes, I believe her treatments are being paid for, I dont know of any insurance that would cover everything, and until today, I have not been able to connect with any organization that helped with fueling trips back and forth to appointments. That is also not to say that everything related to Amiras health situation is covered and paid for. There are many issues that are not covered by medical insurance. I can try to pick up extra bits and pieces here and there and make due, but until I can create my own income again, there are many, many expenses that are related to Amiras diagnosis and living in a remote community that is 2.5 hours(Medford) or 7-8 hours(Oakland) away from where she needs to get her medical care. We were given assistance with gas for one-way travel to Amiras first Oncology appointment. Just to cross a bridge, $7, to park the car, $9 per day. For a family of 3, a week in the hospital, then another 6 weeks in a nearby town, 7 hours from home? Money has a way of going out faster than its coming in. That is just reality, and I stay away from complaining about it because I believe it will all work out if I keep putting one foot in front of the other. I ask questions and seek resources, spend time on the phone, fill out paperwork as I am able, but my primary focus is on being a parent to my children. Believe me, Ive been knocking on doors and asking about resources, not just money, everything. How do people financially, emotionally, mentally survive going through 2.5 years of chemotherapy for a child? Who can help with pet sitting? How can I follow medical directions and halt all construction projects in our home and still keep it safe for Amira? I even asked the hardware store if theyd bring the parts I need to fix the kitchen sink to the back door so I didnt have to bring my daughter into the store. Amira cant go to preschool, so we have a plan to bring preschool to her so she can mainstream when shes ready for Kindergarten. Even tonight, there was an opportunity for Derek to go to a Halloween party (if he wore a mask, so he didnt bring any germs home), and he got to go! People are amazing! I joined a support group where other parents share what theyve been through. Ive made new friends who are going through similar trials, and Im sorry I wasnt more present-minded about their challenges until it became my own. No one who is having or has had a personal experience with cancer seems hold my previous ignorance against me. No one who has shared their personal experience with cancer as begrudged providing me with answers and advice on how to move through obstacles and take care of my daughter. One amazing organization even stepped up and paid our overdue water bill for our vacant home so that we wouldnt return to dry faucets. While this has been going on, two fund raisers that have been put together to try and help our family through this. We are not a deep pockets community, and however much or little is raised, the idea of people coming out, celebrating, enjoying the gift of a gift? How much better than that does it get? I havent received funding from either fund raiser yet, in part because we want to be responsible and accountable to everyone who has donated and make sure that its understood by agencies that are supporting Amira what has been raised and what we hope to use it for. We want to use make money that is contributed to our family go as far as possible. We dont want to keep asking for help, we want to be as self-sufficient as possible and live within our means without things being painful. For the efforts being made on our behalf, I am beyond feeling gratitude. To drive back into town yesterday, to turn on the radio and hear someone talking about three children in our community facing something difficult, then realize it was our family they were talking about, I had to pull over. I couldnt even drive for a few minutes, I just had to sit there and accept the reality that 1)thats my daughters name on the radio, 2) my daughter has made it into remission from cancer, 3) we are surrounded by helpers, 4) I need help over here. Those last five words are probably some of the easiest words to say at home, but as a single parent, those are some of the hardest I have ever had to utter. Yes, Amiras medical care is covered. We are working on an ongoing plan to make sure that months like the last two dont happen again, and there may be help on the horizon, but right here and now, we have no right to say no to help for the things that have not been covered. Im sharing these photos, not to put myself out there to be shamed or for identity theft or criticism about what Ive allowed my children to eat or where weve shopped, but this is just one really emotional grab into the door pocket of the car. I have lots and lots more receipts, but this a real look at where and how uncovered expenses happen. Out-of-town flu shots, parking receipts, fueling up the gas tank, food, even entertainment. Ok, I admit to a moment of frivolity at the Hayward Museum, but it was the day before we were to head home, and I thought it was worth it, and we shared the day with everyone we could. With my son out of school for now, I felt it was an investment in helping him revisit what we had learned about. And the donuts? Well just call that emotional eating, it was across the street from the Flight 93 memorial, and they had Ghostbuster donuts. Besides mom, who really doesnt eat donuts, who can say no to that? If youre interested in the fund raiser, theyre having a concert, a silent auction and a dance. If you get to go, please, please have fun and do some things we dont get to do for a while. Please go and get each other sick(hah, just kidding) and dance and have fun! Weve shamelessly shared our pictures, cant wait to see yours! https://facebook/CountryAgainstCancer
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 05:38:21 +0000

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