First Step Quickness - The Key to Ankle Breaking - TopicsExpress


First Step Quickness - The Key to Ankle Breaking Moves Generally people think that speed, agility and quickness as this elusive guy displays is thought to be the product of genetics or a ton of extremely complex, outlandish and ultimately useless SAQ Drills. You have to remember that your muscles themselves dont know much about specific movements, it knows stimulation - Force production, and speed of contraction as caused by a neural impulses, and it knows thresholds - mobility/flexibility, strength and fatigue, your central nervous system is responsible for the actual movement patterns you utilise, think of your nervous system as the software and operating system of your laptop, and the muscles as the hardware, they just facilitate performance they dont cause it as such. The keys to developing first step are these.... 1. Make sure you body is actually mobile, enough, strong enough, and powerful enough to get in and out of the different positions in your sport (in that exact order too). IF you cant squat your bodyweight to proper depth how do you expect to drop down low and cut at a sharp angle and sprint away from your opponent? 2. Practice contracting the muscles quickly This involves lifting quickly on the upward and downward phase of lifts and exercises, it helps to train the elastic quality in your legs so you can literally bounce around, in and out, back and forth out of your cuts smoothly. 3. Realise that sport practice is what makes you improve in your sport DIRECTLY, squats, deadlifts, snatches, cleans, ladder work, plyometrics just give you the tools to facilitate better sport skill performance, theyre important but realise that you cant replicate sport in the gym youre just trying to improve your muscular and nervous conditioning so you have a higher amount of potential to realise when you go work on your sport skills. Practical Tips to Break Ankles and Burn Defenders 1. Train your legs in various rep ranges in the squats, deadlifts, swings and unilateral stuff like lunges, single leg RDLs (death marches) single leg hip thrusts. You need strength, power, size and muscular endurance in the legs and torso to be quick, and quick over a whole game. 2. Train fast lifts using the dynamic effort method and/or olympic lifts. 3. Train the stretch shortening cycle in your legs in the largest and shortest ranges of motion possible - this will train your body to be powerful throughout very large and varied ranges of motion thus meaning youre more impervious to non-contact and contact injuries, and you will be able to cut in and out of different positions much quicker than your adversaries! #SportPerformance #Quickness #AnkleBreaker #Juke #SideStep #Strength #Power #KaizenTrainingTip
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:11:18 +0000

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