First and foremost a HUGE THANK YOU to Stuart McLean of the Vinyl - TopicsExpress


First and foremost a HUGE THANK YOU to Stuart McLean of the Vinyl Café for the Arthur Award. WOW over three and a half thousand new followers on my Facebook Page The Great Hike. Then another HUGE THANK YOU for all the support Ive received from seemingly everywhere. So here is todays story brought to you Nugget City Yukon... I waited out a blizzard this morning and when it broke at noon I headed out. It snowed about a foot and as you may imagine the road was an awful mess. My spirits where high as ones may be when getting blasted by 100km/hr wet slush as the cars and trucks went by. I had decided to make it an easy day so I was to hike 14km or so. I crossed the Liard River into Upper Liard where Im greeted by a nice dog that looks part Husky. As I pet it I notice a collar that tells me his name is Juneau. Nice meeting so far. Its a small community with Lodge called originally enough the Upper Liard Lodge As I approached it I was surprised to find the door open though the sign said closed. I took my pack off and I heard a voice from the darkness within. Were closed! Which was said in a heavy Eastern European accent. Then a woman appears, promptly picking up a shovel to remove the wet and heavy snow. It was a decidedly odd and awkward moment as thats all she said and I just stood there. I had been told it was open but as many places here this time of year they often shut down. I asked if I could at least pitch my tent there. No! Ok I reply may I have some water. Yes! as she grabs my bottle and disappears into the dark door. As I drink she randomly asks what Im doing. I explain about the three oceans. She says she gets all kinds of crazies like you here I ask wheres shes from and she tells me the Czech Republic. Then she says to me that when she was younger she used to hike In waist deep snow to the next town to party and that everyone would buy her drinks because they thought she was crazy. I thought she was a little crazy. She tells me shes open for supper only which was a new development. I thought about it, but changed my mind as why should I spend money if I have to leave right away. I decide just to leave. I heard there is a place up ahead another 8-9km away called Nugget City. Maybe worse comes to worse they will be nice. As I walk away Juneau begins to follow me and as usual it zig-zags all over the road as people slow down starring at me as if its my dog. This happens to me often. As we plodded along together the Kms flew by as I was strait ahead and he was running all over the place pissing people off. But then I realized something he seemed to be slowing traffic down as they saw the two of us. And what do you know I wasnt getting splashed anymore. I am convinced Juneau was my guardian angel just trying to make my day and keep me safe. Just before I arrived in Nugget City he turned around and headed home. Fare thee well my friend and thank you. Nugget City isnt a city at all if youve already figured that out but A nice little truck stop. They helped me out with a four star room and a hot bowl of chilli as we watch the Canucks game. Check out wwwnuggetcity What a rough day but spirits are high most likely sleeping under the stars tomorrow night but hey I never know... Have a great night...
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:42:59 +0000

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