First and foremost, thank you. For supporting me. I seriously - TopicsExpress


First and foremost, thank you. For supporting me. I seriously wouldnt be continuing if not for the supporters. Secondly, MauSe will be Mau2e. The tentative date is... 12-13-14. Which is a Saturday. At 12:13 pm. For those that know, Mickey MauSe was released March 26th at 3:26 pm. Thirdly, I want to speak on what the project is about without spoiling the premise. The first one was about Challenges & Choices... In continuing the storyline of Mau2e... This storyline is about Legacy & Hope The fact that people gravitated towards the mantra Challenge Yourself to Defeat Yourself was so impactful to my listeners. Well, Legacies and Hope is what I am moving forward with this story. Its going to be based from 88 to about 96 maybe 97, I havent decided. Blek Le Rat will be a character in the story and there is another character involved that I cant disclose now. But it will be incredible. And the story of Mau2e will be concluded. A trilogy MAY happen. But only like a Lost Tapes/Memoir situation. Again, I thank you all for supporting me. Without you guys the idea for Mau2e wouldnt even be possible. Stay tuned for more info on Mau2e, 740 Park Avenue, LLL.2 and The Achievement. Excelsior.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 22:59:21 +0000

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