First baby delivered through transplanted womb Having children - TopicsExpress


First baby delivered through transplanted womb Having children has emotional rewards, in addition to the scientific aspect of DNA transfer. This emotional aspect can only be felt from couples who cant conceive due to various reasons. In the UK, doctors helped a couple by implantating womb of a post-menopausal female, followed by implantation of an in vitro fertilized baby from the parents into the implanted womb. It was quite a challenge to keep the baby healthy in the transplanted womb considering immunogenic response and physiological demands of pregnancy but they were successful in delivering a live and healthy 31 week baby. This was first case of such nature and may bring hope in life of want to be parents! (Source:Telegraph) #transplantedwomb #invitrofertilization #medicalmiracles #medicine Article: Womb transplant: first picture of baby born after pioneering operation
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 19:01:16 +0000

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