First date with Niall imagine for Tyra c: You sighed in front - TopicsExpress


First date with Niall imagine for Tyra c: You sighed in front of the mirror, having second thoughts about your dress. Im not sure about this, El. You admitted. Tyra you look gorgeous. Really. And we cant change it cause its not long until Nialls here. She said looking at the time. Youre right. Okay so- you got interrupted by a knock on your door. Cmon! Nialls here! Eleanor chirped as she ran to open the door. You grabbed your purse and took one more glance at yourself before walking towards the door. Hey. You breathed out as you saw him standing beside Eleanor, wearing a tux. He smiled at you. Tyra, you look beautiful tonight. A small blush came upon your cheeks. Well, you guys should go now. Bye! Eleanor said right before shutting the door. Shall we go? Niall asked you. We shall. You said in a playful tone. He leaded you to his car, and opened the passenger seat, as you said a small Thank you before he closed the door and jogged from the front to the drivers seat. * Were here. Niall said as you looked at the huge building in front of you. You both got out, and started walking to the entrance as he held your hand. Going in the elevator, you watched as Niall pressed level 40, and stood next to you, smiling at you. What? You finally asked a bit uncomfortable. Sorry. You just really look beautiful right now. I want to savour every moment Im with you tonight. You smiled as the elevator dinged, signalling you that you reached level 40. You both walked out and Niall said, Horan. At the guy behind the counter. Alright. Please follow me. He said holding two menus in his hand, taking you to a seat. Niall pulled out a seat for you, and sat down in his seat right across from you. Your waiter will be out in a moment. Said the guy and left. You looked to your right where the window was, and noticed that the place was rotating. Wow. You said in admiration. Yeah. Its really cool from up here. He agreed. * Thanks so much for this amazing date. You told him standing in front of him in your driveway. Youre welcome. He smiled at you, his bright blue eyes shining in the night. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he did the same around your waist. Both of you started slowly leaning in. You honestly couldnt wait to have his lips on yours, and have him smash your lips together. But you also wanted him to slowly kiss you. As your lips connected, the first thing you felt were butterflies, not being able but to smile into the kiss because of those butterflies. You slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes. You are so beautiful, Tyra. Im so happy that youre mine. He told you. Me too. You said as you pressed your lips onto his once more for the night. I hope you liked it, Tyra! C: -Wonderfilled Oreo
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:06:33 +0000

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