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First eng then chinese pls study...先英后中請读!《28to29/11/2014》→today is the most surprised and exciting n happiest day in mylife so if u supportme pls read nlike ndrop me comments!pls read! Excited touching moments...這是我一生最驚喜的日子,支持我必须看看给個評語啊!興奮!!!同时很感动!!! 《Wt a special day...》(→the ones who got my infos last day pls add me... i hope that i can received more from u all as all of you r rich in experiences n I really hv to learn from u all as Respecting wisdom from the one elden than me is the mainstay to pioneer a better future...) Kick off! →Pic one MOTHER →pic two BOSS OF A GROUP COMPANY→ pic three MODELS →pic four PRINCIPAL → pic five Boss of a Italy family business empire......... Though we hv sadness n flaws, life is full of surprises n exciting moments... →A student with no bkground can coordinate with international groups n the boss from royal business n law firms... not only because of gd business calculation... but passion... honesty and courage ... if we honestly talk to them and n ask them to help n participate... some ll even give us their business cards that commonly wont be in hands of us n our films ll be promoted in great platforms in long run... Its my bigbigbigday today... i ll always remember today... everyday we go to pioneer our business n prepare our movies... I hope to develop n pioneer my dreams in the long run... as a pioneer, i face many obstacles but its I hv breakthroughs... unforgotten n unbelievable day... We target in Hongkong island and we successfully got many supports from different classes of people...We met somebody from ROYAL FAMILY N some traditional business empire relating to Fashion n financial sectors... such as the managing director of LTG BANK grounded in Liechtenstein found in 1920... Barrister at law ROBIN EGERTON from PARKSIDE CHAMBERS found in 1983 by four lawyers... and MR FABRIZIO SERAFINI, the one from the ROYAL TRADING SHOE MANUFACTURS EST 1932 in.ITALY... he visited HK for business n we met in Central... All of them are big boss internationally when comparing to us... and even some of them promised that they ll be the Extra actors in movies since they like movies very much! Asians CEOS N BOSS? Most of them are capable too n I do really need to learn from them but they lack creativity... not openminded enough to pioneer an empire internationally... as I can see many demerits n merits from different kinds of people... I know that we hv to keep improving ourselves to shorten the distance between asians n the Westerners... and I hv to be critisized all the times in order to improve ourselves... many asians lack the sense of self evaluations... but i m.of exception... Many asians workers punish the western senior officers... to me its ridiculous... we lack a modernized sense while just knowing to criticize the boss... hey all asians pls always remind ourselves that we hv to learn if we want to improve ourselves... And i suddenly met my school principal again... who hv confrontation with me before... and we hv taken a pic n ll take lunch later... o today is too special... Some may claim that its impossible to do so as I hv no commercial bkground n professional english skills...inversely some of them ask me why can i hv so many connections to me, both of them are funny... naive... first , professional eng doesnt mean gd works... even i hv no commercial bkground we can honestly n wholeheartedly go to ask them and hold them... TRY! its ok! If u never try u ll never know... all souls r the same n its not gd to think that they r millionaires n i m a piece of cake only n refuse to talK to them... it does block our visions... And pls dont hope to make use of others to climb higher but truely telling them yr difficulties n see if they r willing to help or not... day by day u ll know that there are many good n helpful guys in our complex world though there r insults... I want to tell most of the asians to go bk home As u hv no sense to evaluate n improve... as an asian, I feel sad when looking at such a cultural demerits n racial flaws....→countless reasons can be traced historically, naturally, biologically...i do wish n hope we ll be better in future... Today is full of unforgotten n beloved n surprised moments... Our World is really full of things that we can never imagine and heard...Amazing!!! 《惊嘆啊!!!》 EUROPE銀行家,不同GROUPS的總裁,大律師,皇族商人,家族大亨,对我来说亳无距离,今天见到这個意大利1928年成立的Royal trading的大亨时好开心,因为是時装公司, 《晨》 不问成败不追究, 有心有胆事竟成, 若有一天情似逝, 把茶言欢到明晨... 我们的戏会在以上财团平台推出,也会用顶级服装,故有极多上流社舍的人会看到, 有人常问怎样识人,funnnny,实事求是,用心用诚,清楚?也有不少香港人埋怨外国高层,但我根本觉得大部分都是workers问题,如他们果真如此野蛮,根本不会理我,检讨一下好吧! 已取不少人名片 另想同一些自恃英文強而看不起人的名校生讲句: O... Rubbish.... 叫你们去做?10世都找不到一个... 无道德,无心,无胆,有脑? 有点rubbish! 今天太惊喜,还见到以前敌对之校长......约了食饭,新闻! 人生豪几次, 今天嚣一次!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:13:05 +0000

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