First lady Margaret Kenyatta visit in Migori county this Wednesday - TopicsExpress


First lady Margaret Kenyatta visit in Migori county this Wednesday have been postponed after internecine county wrangles over the venue of her visit. Central Sakwa MCA Johnson Owiro insisted the first lady was to be hosted at Awendo which is more secure than Migori town where people only know how to throw shoes. The change of venue was due to fear of insecurity after rowdy youths threw shoes at Gov Okoth Obado during President Uhuru Kenyatta visit at Migori primary. On the other hand a section of county leaders have insisted the meeting must be in Migori. Following the struggle the tour where the first lady was to donate ambulances for her beyond Zero Campaign has been moved indefinitely.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:24:15 +0000

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