First line of presidential speech all lies as usual. Troops are - TopicsExpress


First line of presidential speech all lies as usual. Troops are at the lowest level in the Middle East and look at the mess Mr President. What bubble are you in. We have a much larger crisis on our hands. The energy boom didnt have anything to do either you and all the regulations your administration has imposed. A budget ? Really? You havent the foggiest idea how to balance a budget. Your housing implode was the fault of the government. Giving loans to those who couldnt afford to pay for them. Millions have worked hard to make a life in this country and you just want to give it to those who dont want to work. Oil and gas exploration had nothing to do with you. Majority of oil drilled has been done on private lands not government lands. Your health care plan has cost all of us millions. And by the way healthcare costs have not gone down its costing more for everyone but The freeloaders in this world. More small business owners are taking their employees to part time or just plain laying them off. Small business are shouting their doors. Everyone who has any sense knows when you give people something for nothing they just keep taking. Dont you think the hard working people have shared enough of by paying taxes, which by the way your planning on raising. Child care is not any business for the government to get into. If you cant afford the child care dont have the child. Unions have been more problems than their worth. How bout you pass a law that makes it illegal to play to special interests. How about if you dont balance the budget you dont get paid. Whos going to pay for all these freebies, oh yeah the taxpayers. Again when you give somebody something for nothing its not appreciated. The way to a better life is not hand outs and thats been proven. Why if our economy is so great do we have more people on food stamps and welfare? You sir are a president of handouts not a hand up. When you tax the business for doing business in the US you will not get them back plain as day. Independent business is the only way this country will regain its economic status. By the way the top 1% pay the most taxes. You want a fair tax, lets have a flat tax. As your first duty, as you say is to defend the USA. You dont know what that means. You fail to see radical Islam as a problem for the world. Hell you wont even admit it. You wont even call the terrorist attacks in the US what they really are. It is violent extremist Muslims whether you want to admit it or not. Your foreign policy is worthless and even non existent. You sir are not a leader. Your a community organizer thats in way over his head. You will put more money into the communist Cuban regime than you will the Cuban peoples pockets. Great job! You cannot really believe that Iran is not still building a nuclear warhead. Thats just simply naive and just plain stupid Scientists have proven your global warming BS is just that BS. We will never change climate, its not in our hands. Youve done more in the last six years to put so much regulation on business and in the long run wont change the natural cycle of the earth When close Gitmo and return these radical Muslims to kill more of our Americans. Those deaths will be on you Talking about reports, wheres the Bo Bergdahl report? What are you hiding there? A traitor for 5 terrorists. Another smart idea I for one will celebrate the day you are finally out of office and America will once more have a chance to become the great nation we once were. As long as you are in office that will never happen.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:00:16 +0000

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