First of all I would like the reader to know the intentions of the - TopicsExpress


First of all I would like the reader to know the intentions of the writer is to suggest to those concerned. To begin with an artiste or a musician is one who teaches or sends or advices the youth through recitals in combination with beats and rhythms. Sending the message across to the audience over the world and for the audience to accept and listen and always wish for more messages from you is when you do it the way they want it. So it is a must for any musician to “please” their fans and listeners. A good lyrical music and beats encourages great and massive followers. Bad lyrical music is the vice versa. So musicians who do music and never encourage followers need to revisit the boots to make that change. There has and will always be good beat makers in Ghana to be precise. “It takes money to make money “ so don’t go begging a beat maker to please make you a beat, if you are not ready to spend on your own future and dream then you better go pushing the cart. “the world doesn’t owe anybody a free lunch” .We gotta suffer to gain-pain is gain”. Briefly, do your research and go for the best producers and beat makers who have been there, who have sent other musicians to the top ladder and stop mixing 2 by 4 beat makers and expect to hit the market. The music market and the benefits are for those who have made it and continue to make it. As a musician, you should have a platform for your fans to follow every move and step you make. Some so called musicians are so dormant to the extent that their own social media (Twitter/ Facebook) platforms could be traced to have been updated 6 to8 months ago. How do you expect your fan base to grow. Kindly visit Sarkodie’s page or Iwan or Teephlow’s or any other big artistes and see for yourself. They have a massive fan base because these guys are always updating. DONT (things you don’t have to do) I see most artistes on Facebook who are yet to shine, posting music links to their Facebook walls, asking their friends to “download and share”. Who told u I want to click on a link I don’t know anything about asking me to listen to something I haven’t heard. That is a huge mistake we do. Do a research as to how many people will take the pain to open that link, and download whatever they don’t know, secondly who is ready to download huge megabyte of music; I guess he has a lot to do with his or her credit or airtime. No way. So stop posting your link there, find an online promoter and pay them to do that work for u, once in a while u can post a link but not always. Sometimes I see it and to my surprise not even his uncle or friends or girlfriend would even “click on the “LIKE”. (funny right ). A lot of upcoming artiste just because they have a song on soundcloud or cape360blog or reverbnation , or whatever makes him a champ or makes him a star, then they start criticizing other artistes just for nothing. Silly hatred that will yield to nothing. So don’t think your 1 or 2 songs which do not even enjoy airplay make you a champ. Forget it. How does one take the nation by storm…. These are my opinion Use what is around you to get that far. Look at a typical example of Kofi Kinata. After he realized his talents, he went straight to a bigger mogul in the industry who is from his region, Castro. He used this great opportunity to get to his dreams. I am very sure it didn’t take him just a day to get the consent from Castro, but more than one. He might have been snubbed by Castro in so many occasions but he didn’t give up. Now, through the collaboration, he gained the eyes of Samini, Highgrade family who signed him up and now he is making it huge. Take notice that “real recognizes real”. Samini easily got him on board because his own “rich mate” is with him or his own “level of an artiste’s” has made a song with Kinata. U can’t make a song with a low low dude and expect Sarkodie to hook you up. It never happens. So get yourself closer to these fellas. Secondly, if you notice a major artiste is performing or an event is been organized where most of the major artistes will be present, find your way there. Go along with a friend to take photos. Hustle your way to one of them or most of them and say these words “Yes boss, I’m Cape360, a musician in Cape Coast and I love your music so much and would like to work with you one day. If you don’t mind, can we take a picture together?” Just say this and let your friend take the pictures. Please don’t ask him for his number because he won’t give you, first of all he doesn’t know who the hell you are. So when you get back, look for an online news or entertainment promoter to write you a nice story and then post this making sure you “tag” this artiste and inbox him and comment on his page about your meet-ups with the picture been an evidence, with this he or she would have a little interest to listen to you and check you out and if possible take the conversation to another level. If you listened to Sarkodie, he said, ‘i spent most of his nights inside Hammer’s studio when he was rejected and all that, it takes humble character and no pride to make it. Do not forget to always show appreciation for the little any one would do for you, because you might not know. Next Chapter soon
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:01:41 +0000

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