First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone that is still - TopicsExpress


First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone that is still on my friends list for what yall witnessed earlier! Stuff was taken way out of hand and was blown way out of proportion! I was referring to all the people in my life past, present, and future who doubted me and said I would never amount to anything! I had four grandparents and A step grandparent and I could have been talking about any one of the five, no one with the exception of that grandparent, me of course, my parents, and most importantly GOD knew which one I was speaking of and what I said was the absolute truth in its entirety! Those who attacked me on here for speaking my mind and the Gods honest truth jumped to their own conclusions and attacked me! No matter how I would try to reword what was spoken, it still would have been the truth nonetheless! I am truly sorry if I hurt or offended or pissed anyone off with what I wrote but you all know me and I always tell the truth no matter what even if it gets me into trouble or if it upsets or angers anyone, I only speak the truth so help me God! I guess some people cannot handle the truth or they dont know the whole story because they werent there when those things happened and it is ny word against that person and or maybe some people have chosen to turn a blind eye to the truth! I mean hello, it is what it is! Why in the bloody hell would I lie about any of that stuff? I mean really come on now! Also last time I checked I am over 21 and no one pays my or my husbands bills except he and I and until Ovomit completely obliterates the Constitution, I have the right to say whatever I want and to post whatever I want! It is my prerogative and my right! I earned the right to call the people out who mistreated me and were very cruel to me! Once again many apologies for what transpired here earlier but I will continue to speak and post nothing but the truth so help me God and if anyone has issues with that I am so very sorry and you can join the others who couldnt handle me speaking my mind and the absolute truth and you can see yourself off of my page as well! If you can handle absolute truth and if you truly love and care for me, you will stick around! I dont back down from anyone and I speak the truth always and I dont feel I should have to be a good little girl and keep things hush hush when I have to get it off of my chest and I feel I shouldnt have to bow down to anyone or kiss their ASS and keep things bottled up inside me for people to love me, care about me, and accept me! I am who I am, what you see is what you get, no more no less! I love you all dearly! Hugs and kisses to you all!
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 05:57:48 +0000

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