First of all Id like to thank everyone connected with HRFC. From - TopicsExpress


First of all Id like to thank everyone connected with HRFC. From the players to the bar staff to all the people that help keep this football club going. The work that goes on either side of 90 minutes on a Saturday is relentless and something none of us should take for granted. People like Eric, Pete, Dick Kendall, Baz Hirst, John Colley, Wilf, Gordon, Matty and Eric Ward do the things that keep things ticking such as putting the rope up, taking it down, getting the pitch marked. Thanks to Rich and John Leeming who, when here, always help out when asked. Big thanks to Brian and the bar staff and to Deb for the superb after match food - Id like to thank Jasmine Colley for giving up her Wednesday nights to come to training and help our injured players recuperate - would like to give her this very small gift as a token of our appreciation. Hope hope I havent missed anyone! Ive always been a believer in local footballers needing to be physically fit. It helps out of football but also gives you the edge needed to play at the higher end of the league. It can make all the difference. The greatest players in the world are usually the fittest players. Its something I have tried to instil over the last ten years and have tried to mix things up by way of getting other people than myself to take training - one voice can get boring! Ive asked the likes of Rob Ellis, Paul Harrison, Paul horseman, Garry and Matty to take training just to alleviate the boredom in some way which I think has been beneficial. but last year I bumped into Ian Walbridge and got cheeky. Basically asked him to get us fit for the season and he was more than happy to help out. Id like to give Ian this gift as thanks!, The work we did with Ian , I feel, won us games that in the previous seasons we maybe wouldnt have. We looked the fittest team in York last season and judging by what I heard in the dressing room this was appreciated. Getting properly fit is hard work, but worth it as when the going gets tough, we got going! It does seem like the penny has dropped regarding being fit. Attendance at training was excellent - all those who came benefitted. This brings me onto the team. We have some of Yorks finest playing at this club. This is why we consistently come in the top 5 most seasons. I try and pick the team as fairly, but as competitively as I can. This upsets some and I totally understand that. Some think that coming training every week should get you in the first team. Ive never once said that would be the case - I go training every week but it would be unfair for me to start in the first team. Training is a way of improving yourself - not a guarantee of selection. By attending training naturally it should give you a better chance of playing working on the basis that you should hopefully improve! Players cant always make training but by doing so is ultimately over the years its going to prolong your chances of first team football. Some players are so naturally gifted that they may feel they can miss training - time will catch up on those players eventually but Id be daft not to select someone who is clearly good enough to play at the moment. Like I say - time catches up and when that day comes the reserve players need to be ready to step up. So the message is - training doesnt guarantee a game, but it may just help! When picking the team I try to be fair too - if you miss a game and the team does well you may have to be patient about getting back in. This isnt a rule just a guideline. On to the season - someone said we were a sinking ship last May. Well we certainly put that persons views to shame! The football we played at times was unplayable for the opposition. Fast, fluid and with a cutting edge like no other. 109 goals bears testament to that. I heard comments about us being long ball merchants (classic football speak from football geniuses). Long ball for me is kicking it aimlessly the majority of the time. We very rarely play like that - sometimes when defending you have to do that though and thats something id never discourage! I call our play cutting edge with pace, flair and playing to your strengths - of which we have many. Defensively we may have taken a while to settle down but people forget that we had many new defensive faces arrive last season. It would be unfair of me to single out players for their performances during the season but needless to say I was thrilled by the standard set by the majority. Im genuinely proud of the way we acquitted ourselves as a club last season. The reserves was a bit of a problem and one we will work hard at addressing. There is no way the players we had signed on should have been at the bottom of the table. But overall I have to be happy that the club is thriving. We have so many really good lads at this club and you should all be proud of how the season went. With some new additions and players that really want to play every week I hope we can improve next season in Reserve A. Last year was my first season as manager and I stood here saying I wanted to bring a unity to the club before trophies. Well we look like a fairly happy club and we won a trophy! Two boxes ticked. Ill be happy if we can compete in the same manner again next season and also make our reserve team more competitive and one which players are proud to represent. Ill repeat myself again though - the well being of the club and the people that are part of it is more important than trophies. Players will come and go - thats a fact. We cant really offer anything more than a great club with good people trying their best to run it the correct way. If that isnt enough then its probably never going to be enough for some. What I would say is that the grass isnt always greener so hopefully the majority here will stay at a club they know inside out and one where you all get along as well as can be expected. Playing local league football is, for me, about being at a club with people you trust and get on with. People youll probably know for years to come. Lads that will be friends for years.Huntington Rovers offers you all a place to be a part of something good. A great clubhouse, familiar faces, a decent pitch and people that genuinely just want to do their bit for you. This is why I do my bit. The downside for me is the challenge of picking 11 players each week knowing that inevitably some lads will be disappointed. But that is football I’m afraid! So - thank you all for making this club worth getting up for on a Saturday thru wins, losses, smug winners, bad losers, sun, wind, rain and snow!! And heres to pre season which will be starting very soon! Cheers and well done last season!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 20:30:59 +0000

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