First of all, Im glad that so many responded to my rant about - TopicsExpress


First of all, Im glad that so many responded to my rant about Ghomeshi-types in the workplace. I mean, many many. I dont know how to read Facebook stats; once the world went from measurements to metrics they lost me (also, celsius is bullshit). But seems I reached nearly half-a-million people. This is good and bad on two levels. Good - lots of people could relate to the toxic workplace crap. Bad - lost of people could relate to the toxic workplace crap. Ive always known the working world was full of pricks, but THIS many are out there? Forget the zombies, were dealing with a douchebag apocalypse. Not all workplaces have a TV star as part of them (more in Canada than the US because we stars do temp work), but most workplaces have a centre that the spokes connect to. Sometimes that centre is just a thin circle surrounding a hole, and know what kind of a hole I mean (note: ass). Now, an office star can only get away with bad behaviour if he/shes enabled by management, or if he/she is management. In both cases its a failure in management. So what can you do? Even though PM Harper assures us hes created more jobs anyone in the history of mankind, somehow everyone knows someone who is weary of looking for work, or is that someone. Often, both. So people dont want to risk their jobs by speaking up, theyd rather endure the veal cage. I know - go to HR!! Human Resources - Ive always though that term sounds like a processing plant for Soylent Green, and Im not half-wrong. HR is too often PR. The departments exist so companies can say they exist, but theyre there to protect the company, not the staff. They pacify workers into shutting up. Yes, there are good HR depts out there. Clearly, I am not talking about you. Carry on. Few HR departments offer complete confidentiality. Granted, in a court of law you get to face your accuser, but this isnt a court of law and the accused rarely signs your paycheque. If someone wants a general workplace situation investigated, they shouldnt have their identity exposed, ever. Even when secrecy is promised, people are porous. This why Batman trusts so few. Dont tell me that your manager cant retaliate against you for registering a complaint. Thats up there with Dont worry, Ill pull out. Laudable sentiments rarely ever realized. Most people work on contract these days. All a manager needs to do is smile and bide their time, then not renew the contract. HR cant help then - management made a business decision, its not in HRs mandate to question business decisions. See ya. Sure, some complaints cant be addressed without the employees name being part of it. But for all those that can, Shhhhh. It benefits the company to have a bad workplace flagged. But like in the case of the CBC employee who registered a complaint against Goatmeshi, the complainant is seen as a disruption of the status-quo, and keeping the status quo quo-ing is most important because otherwise someone will have to get off their ass and do something. Managers also avoid acknowledging a problem because of fear that the management above them will hold them to account for letting it occur in the first place. And THAT more-senior person is afraid of the person above THEM. And so on. The corporate structure is like a bunch of people sitting on each others shoulders, but with their head up the ass of the person above them. So, what to do? WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?! IM A PUPPET! THIS IS HOW BAD ITS BECOME! On the off-chance my opinion will influence anyone, anywhere, Id say that HR needs to be weighted to the employee and have its phone number and e-mail someplace its easy to find, and management needs to see people who come forward as assets, not asshats. Many workplace conflicts come from miscommunication. A decent manager would want the chance to clear that up. Of course, there are always going to be whiners who will raise meritless complaints at the drop of a hat. A proper investigation will weed them out, and maybe reveal a true source of crap in the office. And yes, again, there are good HR depts out there. Would be nice if there were more. You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one - John Lennon. Shit, look what happened to him. Nevermind the quotation. I mentioned at the top that the response to my last post was good and bad on two levels. Ive dealt with one level today. Ill deal with the next one tomorrow. Or Friday. The corporate Christmas parties have started. (Oh, and by the way, Im available to host yours too. For a fee.) Im Ed the Sock, and Im nobodys puppet.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:28:42 +0000

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