First of all i love Astro physics, Astrology, cosmology , - TopicsExpress


First of all i love Astro physics, Astrology, cosmology , cosmonaut , the cosmic world and the deep outer space. NASA is the best on this planet when it comes to space explorations. I would like to say Asteriods are heavenly bodies that also orbit in the outer space just as the planets do but the difference with asteriods to planets is they change course and orbital plain , that is their orbital plane is very unpredictable and they also change course unexpectedly .Astreriods are supper destructive rocks in the heavens that can change course and enter any planet at any time , so i think NASA should be very observatory around our planet because an asteriod can enter this planet from any direction . So firstly NASA should put in space a spacial asteriod observatory spy instrument , secondly NASA should build a kind of spacial craft with powerful robotic arms , this craft should be able to orbit the Earth in all directions at much higher speed and should be remotely controlled from the NASA space center. The craft should remotely work hand in hand with the observatory instrument . This craft should be able to divert an asteriods course to a different direction . So this is all to protect our planet. AND I THINK ALL THE GOVERNMENTS ON THIS PLANET SHOULD CONTRIBUTE FINANCIALLY IN THE PRODUCTION OF THE SPACIAL INSTRUMENT AND SPACIAL CRAFT THAT WILL DO THIS JOB TO PROTECT OUR PLANET FROM ASTERIOD DESTRUCTION .
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:07:52 +0000

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