First of all, let me make it perfectly clear that I dont hate - TopicsExpress


First of all, let me make it perfectly clear that I dont hate cats. Cats are fine, as long as they arent in my yard, because I have a pack of six hunting dogs. Short hunting dogs, but hunting dogs. Well, for the second time in a month or so, one of my neighbors cats got in my yard and my dogs cornered it. Thinking if I squirted the cat, it would race for home, I corralled my wieners and squirted it. The stupid cat went directly up to the top of the fence behind which my dogs were barking. So the dogs leapt at it, and it hissed and scratched back at them (and could have taken out an eye if its aim was good). I tried to get into a good position to give the cat a straight line to home and squirted it again. Silly me, I didnt shut the garage door. So the blankety-blank cat ran into the garage! I left the door open and hope to heaven it gets out, because if my dogs trap it behind the dryer, like they did that other unfortunate cat, Ill have to call animal control and get it snagged by one of those pole thingies and taken off to AC, where it will probably be put to sleep. I HATE this! I prefer rescuing animals to having them killed. My neighbors arent good pet parents, darn it. Theyre the ones with the pit bull they keep in a small dog run, day in and day out, summer, fall, winter, spring. Grumble, snarl, hiss. Gee, I sound like that cat.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 21:08:15 +0000

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