First of all thank you to my daughter for allowing me to post - TopicsExpress


First of all thank you to my daughter for allowing me to post using her Facebook page. Ive been reading the comments with interest and feel as an options owner at leila playa that it was time to have a word myself. My mum and I own 5 weeks 3 bed and are huge advocates of the options system. Im not saying its perfect, but the changes in constitution will, I believe, have a positive impact. The only problem we ever encounter is during school holidays when we are often unable to book one of the limited options apartments. Im sure you appreciate that the thought of paying rental is something we choose not to do when we have 25000 options points available. It does however make me very angry when I know that there are empty apartments that are fixed weeks, the owners choosing not to use them and that a tourist driving past would be able to rent and yet we are turned away. The new constitution would open up all of the apartments to all owners and surely this should be our priority? I for one have been concerned that a time will come when I will not be able to afford the increasing maintenance charges that are brought about by owners arrears. I feel it is very short sighted at this stage to be worrying as to which apartment you spend your holiday at. Better to be two doors up than unable to pay the increased charges. After all, every apartment at Leila Playa is lovely, of course we all have our favourites and this will give the chance for fixed weeks owners to try some thing different. Do I worry about MRL taking weeks back to turn into private residences? No. Those of you who have visited Doña Lola will know that this works perfectly well. I really do believe that this is the time to stop being precious and as owners of a unique and beautiful resort, we should club together to protect its future. This means moving forward and agreeing with the constitution. This will ensure that there are bums on sun beds, and full apartments. There are so many negative comments and looking at the results from the other resorts it appears that those of us in favour of change are sitting quietly at home, or by the pool and not making crazy threats over legal action. Anyway, Ive made my point. Time to get out in the sun, even if it is only Wales. Heres to many happy holidays at Leila Playa. Ceri and Joan
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:05:08 +0000

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