First off I am not blindly sticking up for President Obama. In - TopicsExpress


First off I am not blindly sticking up for President Obama. In fact this question has just as much matter for President George W. Bushs legacy. So this question has been bugging me for quite awhile and I know your an educated group out there my FB friends so please write your opinions out for me on this thread. Republican or Democrat or Independent. I personally do not vote for any one party, I voted for President Bush two terms and I voted for President Obama both terms. In my opinion they both had jobs to get done in their second terms... I wasnt going to even post anything about who I voted for, because I didnt want this thread to turn into who I voted for. No matter who I voted for I love my country very much. I have more American Flags hanging around my humble abode than Music or Movie posters (Well minus my Studio/Office....;)....) and do not take my freedom for granite. Our freedom in which so many people these days sorrowfully do take for granite. First off I believe you need to be a part of your community in way way or the other. Something as going to a neighborhood monthly meeting just once to at least see what they are about etc... Heck even walking around the block and picking up one handful of garbage one time a month. Get my drift it doesnt even matter how minute. I would even be ok with people just being conscious of what your community is doing. Hiding in your office for 70 hours a week is great and you are paying much needed taxes that run our country, but everyone has to pay taxes. Even people who do not file get hit everyday when they make a purchase. It is only my humble opinion, but I will tell you right away if you start having an opinion about this great country and want me to look at it as credible be a benefit to where you live. If nothing else at all be conscious. ***You 113% have to vote if your over 18 or your opinion doesnt mean Jack Shiote!!! Now if theres a reason you cannot vote like having a felony, but still love your country and are truly humbled and able to admit your mistake then forgiveness is a no brainer you can stalk your opinion freely. We are all human so we will all sin and all make mistakes. Its what we do on the path moving forward from that Soul Check at Work Detour construction sign and from the depths of your faith that determines your worth and as well allows you to better yourself and most of all be able to forgive yourself. So very long story long,YOU MUST VOTE TO BE ABLE TO COMPLAIN (Because lets face it have you ever met a person who chooses not to vote that doesnt complain about our government or country....LOL)!!! Yes your one vote matters!!! Greatly!!! *******SO with all that Grey Matter Splatter for a prelude now I am going to ask you what has been eating me alive...********* Do you agree with the ideology that a Presidency cannot fully or even truly be judged until about 20-25 years have passed from the day they leave office? Obviously there are always steps a president will make during their term(s) that will have immediate and decisive maybe even ponderous effects on society. Amendments of course are major presidential actions that can have what one party will perceive as Hair-Trigger while the other party feels it will work. The matter of an amendment (I will try to stay on my Question to you/Trying to understand so I do not end up writing you all a novel) can have critical and instant effect most before they even get a lot of them dont get going right away, but the sheer thought of certain amendments will change lives in an instant with all the media rhetoric especially from the times before every person having common internet and Smart Phone access. Foreign affairs revisions can have instant effects, specific Civil movements both on purpose and/or by fate change the current times with swift waves of political fear and positive change. I honestly cannot pinpoint the exact place I either saw an interview where I heard a News Castor or guest or somebodyask this question. So since all my pre-cursor blabber probably has your head throbbing from information overload I will ask the question again... Do you feel a Presidents Office run can truly be judged until 20-25 years after he is done? Much love FB friends and family. Please be respective of others opinions. Remember we have the freedom of free thought and speech. Otherwise Facebook would have gone no further than a dream. I know I am being a hypocrite by saying people who dont vote dont get a right to argue opinions about the country, but dammit I am only human and thats one thing that pisses me off. Dont get me wrong. If you do not vote and dont give a shit about whats going on thats totally cool with me. Go play your Congas on the mountain side with your pet Chinchilla and camp[ on the exterior of my campground to scare off the bears from your under arm cologne. Free the ticks from the oppression of people murdering them just because they make us deathly ill. Damn it now I am ripping on hippies which I ironically get labeled as A LOT!!! Lol... Much Love and I shall shut it with that... All the sudden I hear clapping. WTF!?!?!?!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:53:12 +0000

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