First off I dont want to sound like a moaner, because through all - TopicsExpress


First off I dont want to sound like a moaner, because through all this the guys that really worked were the guides and porters, and believe me these guys are tough, while I was trying to get into my back pack these guys were flying past us carrying everything from tents, food, water and even the porta loo!! Worst of all they did it all with a smile and at one point when Calvin my porter passed me carrying something on his head, honestly I was going to punch him!! I did think it ironic that my porter at camp was called Calvin, I did ask if maybe he was a distant relative, but he smiled and said you are funny Mrs Simon!! Day 3 was the I discovered that modesty was a luxury on the mountain, Tam who as ever was awesome constantly checking I was alright and making me feel a little like a sheep that needed constant rounding up, was walking with me fairly near the back, it was today we were to loose two of our team to altitude sickness Sue and Fran, poor Fran really suffered we walked together for a while and chatted but wow was she ill. A couple of the others Laura and John and Catherine included were suffering. I had got chatting to Max who today was literally to save my ass!! We were walking slowly along with Andrew and Tina, when I felt a twinge, and not a good twinge. As you can see public conveniences were few and frankly none existent, i do believe that where ever you are litter is not an option!! max had naturally a Sainsburys plastic bag on her, so as much as I can rush I did so, finding what I thought was a secure and all covering rock, I can not tell you the relief, as the smile spread across my face, the realization that just across the ridge a small party of trekkers were making there weary way to next camp, I no longer cared I was just thrilled to of made it, the only course of action was wave in a jaunty manner, much I am sure as the Queen would do in such a situation. So with wet wipes tucked neatly into plastic bag I trotted back to Max. The rest of the walk was done very gingerly!! after a couple of packs ( I know you should read the packet) but when you are in the middle of Africa, halfway up a mountain, with the thought of being trapped in a tent, pitch black, head torch on, zip on tent sticking, not able to get boots on, freezing cold and terrified in case you break wind, the last thing on your mind is reading the bloody pack!! I just wanted to make sure nothing was getting through!! Today I began to think I may of bitten off more than I could chew. It seemed the others were all streaks ahead of us we had become a small slightly slower group. I think Max and I kept each other going, with talk of all the things we missed, and clearly there were a lot, you really dont realize how many tiny things you take for granted such as fresh olives, kettle crisps and a lovely Rose wine!! Oh god lets not forget goats cheese and skinny latte!! I of course jest, you just feel so bloody useless, here I am dragging my sorry arse up the mountain with all the gear and honestly no idea. I have a saying I use a lot to takes over from swearing, my friends at home know it and now my mountain friends have heard it a lot and that is Monkey Arse!!! That is what I felt like screaming a lot of the time. so many times I wanted to quit, but you guys my mountain family as I think we became really kept me going. Tough does not cover it, but oh my god the scenery spectacular does not do it justice!! After every hike our camp was ready, tents up, a cup of tea and weirdly pop corn, who knew pop corn was some kind supper food, well all I can say yes indeed it is!! Something else that never failed to amaze me was the cooking, 3 courses everyday starting with Cucumber Soup another Tanzanian supper food it seems, ( when I got home and went to green house and saw all my cucumbers, I screamed!!) some how I not how I seemed to be eating vast quantities of pasta and potatoes neither of which I would eat as a norm. But now on day three tasted great, me thinks this may change. Seriously though all this was brought up the mountain by hand and was served with a warm smile.Then bed, by 8 most nights, for the love of god I am normally just cracking open the second bottle of wine by that time, not pulling on long johns and woolly socks, again thanks to Stuart who was normally hours ahead of me, had sorted the tent put my sleeping bag out or as I lovingly thought of it my personal torture chamber. Sleep was not easy and came in fragments mainly due to the fact that the tent had been put on, well lets just say boulders!! I would often dream that in the morning I would appear from my cocoon like a butterfly, only to find that in the morning I looked more like the Creature from the Deep, or the bride of Chuckie!! Not a good look!! Will crack on with day 4 in next couple of days, I will leave the just giving open if anyone feels the urge to donate! A massive thanks to all who have between those of us who climbed for MS to date we have raised some £40,000, I cant thank you all enough the money really will help a huge amount of people!! Hakuna Matata Folks!! xxx
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:27:02 +0000

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