First off, I have to give a huge thank you to everyone who reached - TopicsExpress


First off, I have to give a huge thank you to everyone who reached out to me yesterday. Admitting your opportunities and facing your demons publicly is an extremely hard thing to do and Im sure Ill struggle to be honest throughout this process but Im so thankful to have some amazing people behind me at this point. I had friends and family members commenting, private messaging and texting me saying my confession brought them to tears, that they pulled strength from my honesty when they thought they didnt have any left, that my testimony forced them to look at their own lives, that they too needed help and they also crave a change. Im humbled by all of your honesty. I had no idea that my rant would turn into a powerful mission statement for my own life let alone anyone elses. Yesterday was an emotionally charged day for me. For those of you who know me well enough, you know that Im not one to shed a tear easily, but yesterday I would read a message or get a text and my chest would heave right before my eyes welled up. Ill say it again, I was humbled. Deeply. You all were there for me right when I needed it the most. Second, all of your support helped me realize that I can do this and I have so many people who want to be there with me, coaching me to success. Its overwhelming to think how far I have to go but I know its attainable with some dedication and accountability. Yesterday I walked 3 miles and Im going to walk/run/hike at least 3 miles a day, everyday, no days off. I also started meal planning which hands down is going to be my biggest task for success. As you all know from my message yesterday, Im completely addicted to food. (Hand to god, as I type this at work, I know that I have 2 chocolate bars, 2 boxes of crackers, half a bag of Cheeto puffs, bag of skittles, apple sauce cup, two 100 calorie snack bags and a granola bar in my desk waiting for me to have a moment of weakness. Ill be donating all of that to the break room here in a minute.) I love food so much, its the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think of at night. I day dream about hot, steamy, cheesy pizza and rootbeer lol I could probably make so much money from writing a romance novel based on food themed characters. I have a problem. So tonight, Im going to meet my sister, Krissy Brigham, we are going to walk my 3 miles, we are going to take embarrassing before style pictures, we are going to weigh me and then we are going to measure my neck, arms, bust, tummy, hips, thighs and calves. Im going to write down my milestone goals and rewards. No more failure mentality, no more pressure. Just allowing myself to be happy, healthy and fit. #TransformationTuesday
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:19:57 +0000

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