First off...Im sure by now that some of my FaceBook friends, if - TopicsExpress


First off...Im sure by now that some of my FaceBook friends, if not all, are aware of the new policy updates on Facebook: As of 12:00 A.M. January 1st, 2015, FaceBook will update their current policies. Your account information will be accessible to third-party agencies (the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, etc.), and along with that, your personal data from all Facebook-accessible devices will be collected. Ill admit that when I first read about these changes, I was scared. I certainly dont want my private data gathered just because Im an American citizen, and I could be a potential suspect in a future crime I may commit in a time TBD. Those feelings of fear continued for a few days, and then two thoughts came to my head: 1) Wait...dont I willingly give them my information by creating an account, and posting whatever I am feeling whenever? 2) Wait...If Im leaving Facebook out of fear, or being careful what I post out of fear, does that mean I am disobeying Jesus by living in fear? Think about this logically for a minute...If Psalm 27:1 is true, then why should we be worrying? Why should we fear those who we willingly offer potential fearful situations to? To conculde...I will not go off of Facebook for the time being. God let me be here, and if the time ever comes, I will then be ready to leave. But for now, that time has not come. I AM opposed to the upcoming policies, and I still may feel uneasy about it, but let me be clear: I will not be fearful and post things that reflect solely the interests and perceptions of all others. Yes, of course I wont post things pro an ungodly, satanic lifestyle. I will still exercise self-control, as I have in most cases. But when it comes to my faith, political beliefs or beliefs in general, I will not back down out of threats on my privacy being infringed, or the feelings of others. My opinion is my own, and I will not be silent in the face of controversy. I wont shut up. I cant shut up. If I see something wrong, I certainly wont not say anything. Isnt it the responsibility of every Christian to rebuke the sinfulness in the world once we are aware of it? Isnt that a direct command from God? Doesnt quitting Facebook out of fear reflect a decision of self, rather than a decision of God? Now...with that stated...Happy New Year everyone, and may God be with you every day of 2015 and give you discernment, hope, and peace. NOTE: Incase you want to know more about the Policy Changes, you can find out here: #MakeRighteousDecisions #NoFear #Facebook2015Policies #GodIsInControl
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:00:20 +0000

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