First off for those of you who are easily offend STOP READING - TopicsExpress


First off for those of you who are easily offend STOP READING RIGHT NOW....For the rest of you, What happened in Alex City last weekend was very tragic and I pray for this young mans family. I would hope that we as humans could pull together for support of both sides. If we spent as much time holding others up as we are doing with speculation and gossip then imagine how many prayers these familys would be blessed with. Fact of the matter is those good ole Christines from back in the day were racist and taught us other ppl to be the same. Lucky for us and our generation that cycle was broken and its is still a work in progress. My question is how can you call yourself a man/woman of God and slang Bible verses and turn right around and use the N work or the C word??? How can you decide that colors shouldnt mix and marry? God has his birthdate and death date for each of us long before we are ever thought about. So common sense tells me he already knew mixed familys would be here. How can you be so HOLEY and yet JUDGE someone simply because of skin color? I know it would be unrealistic for me to say one day this will be all humans live in harmony but Im telling you that in my fiancé is Mexican and he is wonderful to me and I love him very much. I am saved and me and my business is between me and God alone. Maybe I dont think some ppl live right but Im not their judge I am human and non perfect. I know men at one time by law could take a woman behind a barn and beat the hell out of them and the good Lord didnt create me then for a reason bc I would not have lived as long as I should have because if that had happened to me I would have been hung because one of us wouldnt have walked back from behind that barn. That being said... I may not have as many jewels on my crown when I meet the rest of you in heaven but I will meet you there and you best believe skin color wont be an issue!!! Then again perhaps I will have more than some of you that do all the judging on a daily basis. Ohh and for those of you who believe women should wear dresses to church every Sunday or its shameful I will see you more than likely in my jeans and tank top bc God is not waiting on all women to change clothes when he comes. Some of the dresses I see in church these days is more of a disgrace than my jeans. There Im not perfect but Im not a damn hypocrite either!!! God bless everyone in our community and both families! Thats All!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 19:06:37 +0000

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