First off, if this offends anyone, I dont care. Everyone should - TopicsExpress


First off, if this offends anyone, I dont care. Everyone should know that by now. Ive never been very graceful with my words, and I dont see that changing anytime soon. So if you are in fear of being offended, dont read this. There was a time that I lived in Warsaw and I went through quite a bit of the drama that tends to plague this page. Since I have moved from Warsaw, I rarely say anything directly concerning the public figure that constantly comes up, but I do comment on posts related to the topic. More times than not, my comments have nothing to do with that public figure, but those comments concern the page, members or my ex-husband. So, just throwing it out there, that I havent taken a tone with a public figure for over a year, but I have stood by Jasons side in support. Many people support him, but most are silent... the type that dont speak up and they are the type that have taken the initiative to investigate and understand his position. There are many people that disagree with him too, but havent investigated or refuse to see him as anything but negative. Standing up for something you believe in tends to be a form or negativity anymore, which in fact, is a load of crap. Speaking your mind and the truth, tends to offend people. Kinda ridiculous really. How many of you have known Jason to help you out? Offer to help in the community? Who really knows him... as a little league coach, unlocked a car that your child has trapped him/herself in? (without charge)... Volunteered his wrecked cars, time and effort for educational purposes? How many times have you noticed his property unkept? (wrecked vehicles are part of his business.. no rule breaking there) How many times has the city dumped behind his property? How many times has Jason got up in the middle of the night to help out the police department, no charge? Who in this community is the first to volunteer in most cases? Such as mowing unsightly properties? Helped with the school gym? Helped with Henerhoff field and the concession stand? And much much more...Where is the negativity here? I wonder if most of you realize any of this? How many know that he moved his business from Hamilton to Warsaw, because his roots are in Warsaw and he loves the town? Not to forget the fact, on a personal level, that he took on a single mom and her 3 kids, and he gave his life and love to a ready-made family. Pretty negative huh? Pffft. These are the disappointing facts that some either dont realize or choose to forget. Insinuating or directly calling him negative due to the fact that he passionately believes in something and is standing up for what is wrong in this town, is just wrong in itself. Im actually not sure how he continues to volunteer, like with the boat dock.. I sure as hell wouldnt do it. And Goons property looks good, because of GOON. Nobody else had a hand in that. Get the facts straight. I, for one, am proud of Jason Zenk. It takes a lot of heart and soul, pride and integrity to stand for what you believe in now-a-days. I dont care who the mayor of Warsaw is, but I do care about the man who is brave enough to stand up for a whole town, even if they are unaware of the facts and want to call him negative. And... all of this coming from his ex-wife. Crazy, I know. Ive kept this to myself for far too long... Rant over.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:51:28 +0000

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