First off…the article is miss titled. It should be titled, - TopicsExpress


First off…the article is miss titled. It should be titled, ignorance of America’s Fastest Growing Sport by Ann Coulter. Enough is enough is correct. But not by Ann’s point of view. To compare our growing interest in soccer to a nation’s moral decay has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while. Might it just be because a number of growing Americans are coming to fully understand and appreciate the difficulty of soccer? Might it be our children’s growing love for this sport over the past 25 years has finally come full circle? Politics is brought up a lot in discussions but to refer Teddy Kennedys 1965 immigration law as to why more Americans are watching soccer today is laughable. After reading Ann Coulter’s article I believe she needs to stick to sports she might just be familiar with, maybe tiddlywinks or hopscotch. You dont have to like soccer but to say its not a real sport because youve never tried it or unwilling to understand it is absurd. Ann, I strongly suggest you receive an education about soccer then get yourself a soccer ball and dribble up and down the field a few times. Try to keep it under control so that no one near you can kick it away from you and do all this while running. After you’ve tried this, then come back and talk about how soccer isnt a real sport. SOCCER, its a sport alright and one which requires a great deal of team work and skills. Soccer is played by athletes most of whom play the entire 90 minutes of the match. A team fields 11 players and is only allowed 3 substitutions during a match, that’s it. The physical conditioning of a soccer player alone is unbelievable. My children grew up loving to play soccer and benefitted from THE SPORT. In addition to the physical benefits, they experienced a sense of self-confidence and increased social skills. This Soccer Mom strongly suggests the SPORT OF SOCCER for children in America. I’d like to bring this to an end with a quote from Ann herself, “The prospect of either personal humiliation or major injury is required to count as a sport. Most sports are sublimated warfare.” Well Ann, you just described THE SPORT OF SOCCER.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:38:28 +0000

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