First one to tell me who wrote this and I will share the - TopicsExpress


First one to tell me who wrote this and I will share the link. What does our future hold? Chaos, a reign of blood and horror across the whole of the earth? Or a peace, prosperity and freedom our founders could not even have imagined. I choose the latter. I choose to live in a world where we are all in it together. Where we choose by our own free will to belong to something bigger than ourselves, where we are heard and we listen to others. I will, with all the creative power contained with in my simple human form, be a part of a generation that strive to have control over my own life, while I help build up others so they may do the same. Make no mistake, life is a choice. Just as ones silence is indeed a powerful form of speech, when we refuse to make a choice – we are indeed making one. We are choosing to accept what ever comes our way. The problem is, “what comes our way” is almost always something we regret. This time, I believe, what is coming our way has a price tag that no human will be willing to pay. Please let me explain, and while I do, I ask that you put aside your opinion of me, whether it be good or bad. I only ask you to hear me out, ponder the questions I raise, use critical thinking and trust yourself. If you disagree and you can make a cogent case, I will be the first to celebrate, as I do not wish for what I am showing you to be our future. I have seen this movie before. In 1998, I spoke to the listeners of WABC in New York City. I warned them of Osama bin Laden and said that by playing politics there would be blood, bodies and buildings in the streets of New York within ten years and it would be done by Osama bin Laden.At the time, conservatives told me that I was just “helping Clinton distract the nation from his lies”. I did not want that to be true. I prayed that it wouldn’t be, but because we the people didn’t want to think about it, our politicians were too busy working special favors with the Saudis, and our media no longer functioned as a compass, we lost an opportunity that we will never have again. Advertisement After 9/11, we changed forever in ways we now don’t even want to think about. Just remember what America was like before Homeland Security, secret courts, and full body scanners at the airports. I wish more would have considered the warning I gave, and I certainly never hoped it would lead to collective apathy. Recently, those in DC, who for years have been blinded by their own political interests, are now beginning to warn us of new disasters that, they, for years mocked and said were “warped fantasies and delusions.” For years I spoke of the Mahdi, the 12th Imam and those who had a religious worldview that encouraged chaos that would wash the world in blood to ‘hasten the return of the promised one’. How they first wanted and needed a caliphate centered in Iraq.I was called “crazy”, “delusional” and a “fear monger”. Now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says, the group that has indeed now established a caliphate: “is an organization that has an apocalyptic, end-of- days strategic vision.” Is he a fear monger and crazy? Or is he right? He is right! However, the time to deal with this dangerous ideology in the way currently being discussed, has passed. The caliphate poses a new and much more dangerous global threat. One that could change the entire world forever. One very real and possible outcome is World War 3. It doesn’t take much wargaming to see this as a very real scenario and one that does not end well for anyone other than those hoping to “hasten the return of the promised one”. Please understand, I am not offering a global solution. Instead, I am merely asking you to stop and examine the storm clouds we are now seeing gather and to take a moment and think out loud with me. If we put all of the turmoil together and really examine the possible and probable outcomes, what happens? If just a few things begin to fall, even into the natural state of entropy, what does the world look like in one year? Five years? Ten? If only half of what I will spell out comes to pass, it will result in chaos and trouble beyond the understanding of our politicians and our visionless media. It will fall on the shoulders of each of us as neighbors, friends and parents to guide our nation and world in a peaceful, free and loving direction. If we have not mentally, physically and spiritually healed and prepared ourselves, we just may fail the calling of our time. Let’s just look at the rough outlines of what the world is facing. Sides are being drawn. New alliances and old hatreds.Syria, Iran, and Russia are now beginning to play on the same team. The US, Saudi Arabia,and Qatar (and by extension, the Muslim Brotherhood) on the other. China and Russia finishing a dollarless relationship. Israel on the ropes, the free market system becoming corrupted, debt, taxes and spying on our own citizens on the rise. Rising food and gas prices, unemployment, and a cold winter coming with the shuttering of coal fired plants due to new EPA regulations. Our youth strapped with debt beyond comprehension and no way to pay it off and no promise of jobs when they leave school. The Fed just now beginning to worry about the devaluation of the dollar, the streets of the US beginning to go unstable, the militarization of our own police force, radical Islam, anarchists and communists all separately working to destabilize the Western world. Meanwhile, the average citizen has growing apathy and declining faith in a unifying culture. Why worry? Why would we even need a president that spends a little less time on the golf course or a congress that worried less about election and more about the principles behind our country? If the issues that I raise here are not just flatly ignored by the media they will be mocked … again. At this point it is laughably expected. Look at the record and the history of the globe. Do not fall for distractions or politics. Assume that I have only the worst intentions to make money in some sort of solid gold World War 3 bomb shelter and cable network. I want you to accept the worst, as it will force you to not trust me, but trust the facts and your own ability to reason. Begin here: ask yourself ‘Why is this crazy?’ What makes us, at this time, able to suspend the laws of finance, common sense, or the arc of history. The arc of history has been bent back in the past but always through great movements like that of Gandhi or the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Where is that great movement today? What are the actual economic principles that change the outcome? Know that you are capable of finding the answers. The wealth of a nation works on the exact same principles as your household wealth. Do not rely on others, rely on yourself. Do your own homework and find out what is true. Look at history for answers. When we look at the Middle East, first read about the 12th Imam and what those who follow him really believe. Compare and contrast with what you know about “end of days” and “religious zealots” in the west. Would we dismiss any Christian here in America if he believed these things? Do the stories at the end of the Christian Bible match up with the end times belief found with the Twelvers? If so, how? Are their “good guys” the same as ours? If not, why? What do they do when the 12th Imam is in charge? Do they more closely align with our version of “the bad guys”? Why? Remember, I am not asking you to believe what these people believe, for I find it irrational and deeply disturbing. I only ask you to investigate and then ask yourself, do they believe it? For an answer to that look to who the Ayatollah Khomeini banned as “too dangerous” for revolutionary Iran in 1980.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 21:11:10 +0000

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