First run of thoughts on The Colbert Reports racist comedy - TopicsExpress


First run of thoughts on The Colbert Reports racist comedy segment: Dan Snyder creates a foundation to reach out to the community of Native Americans, yet still includes Redskins in the name of the charity. No, really. This happened. To illustrate this point, Colbert makes a knowingly-and-incredibly offensive foundation name for outreach to the Asian community. Now, Colbert does not believe he is above reproach. Was what he did racist? Yes. Yes, it was. BUT how is it any less racist than the owner of an NFL team that is valued at $1.7 billion (3rd most in the NFL) and takes in a yearly revenue of $381 million--using an incredibly offensive name to identify themselves--and then to create an outreach foundation that continues to use that offensive name--AND CAN BE USED AS A TAX WRITE OFF FOR THE BUSINESS?!?!?! Now, the question is--was what Colbert did funny? Not really. But I dont think he was hoping to get a really genuine laugh here. I think he was trying to illustrate the point of how horrible Dan Snyder is, how grotesque the non-action from the NFL is, and how inhumane our culture is to Native Americans. I certainly wish that people would have connected those dots and would channel the rage they (rightfully) felt towards Colbert against the inspiration for his actions. In other words--again, were taking on the easy target, but letting Snyder, the NFL, sports media, sports-clothing manufacturers, and team-sponsors off the hook. Thats why I fundamentally disagree with this. Im not saying, Colbert is a SAINT. But to go on the attack of him, his show, and his sponsors without taking on those mentioned above is internally inconsistent.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:25:55 +0000

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