First status in a while and all i gotta say is lol. Point taken - TopicsExpress


First status in a while and all i gotta say is lol. Point taken thanks me for being supportive thanks me for being drunk today is the day i say worries mate. I have no idea. Pokemon training pirate is all i call it. Arr me harty go Squirtle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill catch em all Pirates adventure. One day me and Kenton D. Caldwell will sail the seas and find a specimen that we will call Onix or in japanese terms Iwaku. I find that pets or animals are like pokemon just not as partners more as trying to controll them because there free biengs of the earth why not let them be i mean some animals are ment for a means to eat but some poeple dont treat them that way but a means for a game so we should call them team rocket. But on another matter i have no idea why but im putting up this status because im drunk and its the first in a while so hi hi. I dont know what stuatuses are for exept stuff that is on your mind but in my means its stuff that i should do when im drunk you see. But i never put up statuses because i dont see the real point because nothing goes on in my life im so lonely... even though i have all my friends and family that love me and that are there for me so im not lonely so this is innapropiarte with the last sentence that i put. I just wanted to say that because you are a person why what when? Its wierd right but all it is is blabber blabber noone really listends to you so why listen to them. But be right back sorry to hold you up i need to go to the potty. AKA piss... sorry that took so long is because i had a smoke after but as i see on my friends list right now Monique Haynes is still logged on but she is asleep with Jesse Parker, Her boyfriend and i could go on her phone right now and muck up her facebook but i wont cause im a good guy. But all im saying whos gunna read this. Noone because look how long it is i would not read this like its a book, I could not get through a book but i would attepmt reading Russell Brands books Because he is AWSOME!!! If he was my friend i bet he would sail with us all of us hopfully like kenton d. calldwell cap cap, Jesse p, Monique H, Tyler Marshall, James Rae Turnbull, Jacob Greene, Jamie Kahu, Pluss pirate girl that i havent added yet ;), and Not me cause im walking the plank and swiming with fishman peace and if i left people outa the equation then hit it up with me capn Kenrag peace
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:47:40 +0000

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