First thank u all for the birthday wishes. Might be a longer post - TopicsExpress


First thank u all for the birthday wishes. Might be a longer post so get some nice hot tea and put your feet up. Just a lot of info. Good news first. I saw dr dhaliwal today. I was glad. Brit took pictures to show him of my infection in that private area. Got another round of ciparo. My numbers were much better. Yay!!! However, while he isnt my oncologist he took the reigns today in a good way. Chemo is def not happening Thursday. I dont have to go everyday , even had my appt tmrw canceled. Yay my fibro screams hallelujah! He is going to suggest that they might stop the taxol ( chemo) and give my body rest. Hes going to consult with levy ( my official oncologist) to consider doing the radiation and then go back to chemo later... They do radiation there and my daughter was there at the perfect time to talk about what u c Davis told us... Everyday at Sacramento... Their radiologist completed his residency at Harvard 6 months ago so that made me happy to hear. He even took my daughter on. A mini tour of the radiation areas of the place. So thats a big relief off of me. Dhaliwal didnt talk down but straight. Now the bad news... Or potentially bad news. He says I should not be alone. Thats not happening of course. He totally was understanding of my life with fibro and the invasive arthritis everywhere. He knows about me and hes not even my doctor. Anyhow, I am still experiencing light headedness. I explained, as an example, that to make a pot of coffee I have to lean on the counter. Sometimes I have to make a pitstop on a chair to get to the bathroom and showering is not any better... So he has made an appt for an MRI to scan my brain. Hes concerned it might have gone to my brain... Or it could be the medications and diabetes... But the MRI does worry me. So my numbers are up so thats great news! No going every day for lukane shots and or blood work and that is positive! Have a good upcoming week all and thanks ver much for birthday wishes. Means a lot. Now Im off to tKe a nap. Im wiped!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 01:43:51 +0000

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