First, the jury made the right call. Anyone who honestly looked - TopicsExpress


First, the jury made the right call. Anyone who honestly looked at the evidence as presented by the State could not waive reasonable doubt regarding George Zimmerman’s statements to police regarding him fearing for his life as Trayvon Martin attacked him. Second, the jury also handed a rather significant slap to many in the Mainstream Media who attempted to portray this as a tragedy motivated by racial hatred. This was never the case. George Zimmerman is himself as much a Hispanic American as Barack Obama is an African American. (One white parent and one non-white parent) This same media should be (but won’t be) ashamed of its self serving and potentially dangerous actions. They were, at times, simply appalling. The media has grown very comfortable in its role of liberal activism where it creates the story, instead of simply reporting on it. Third, there will likely some backlash from some of these same media figures and race baiting politicians and community organizers over the jury pronouncing George Zimmerman guilty. Anyone who does so, is declaring themselves ok with the daily injuries and deaths of minorities all across the country – primarily cases of Black on Black crime. According to various reports, just last week some fifty black youth were either injured or killed in Chicago alone. The race baiters say nothing of these tragedies, but for months have been screaming racism over a Hispanic-American who defended himself against the attacks of an overly aggressive Black youth. That is sickening hypocrisy of the lowest form – and it is that hypocrisy that has become a fundamental part of the Mainstream Media in America today. Any death of our nation’s youth, regardless of race, is a tragedy. The media and politicians refuse to make these many deaths a story, giving those lost lives little to no attention because they primarily involve individuals, including children, living near hopeless lives in communities decimated by liberal policies. That is a fact. Their silence is their shame. Today, justice prevailed. The right verdict was made, and the liberal media now gnashes its teeth and awaits the next distraction… The Ulsterman Report theulstermanreport/2013/07/14/a-brief-response-to-the-zimmerman-not-guilty-verdict/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:52:53 +0000

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