First we need to thank God that Pebo is alive, he is pretty broke - TopicsExpress


First we need to thank God that Pebo is alive, he is pretty broke up, separated pelvis, a tore muscle, tail bone broke on both sides going all the way down, back is worse, something is up with his kidneys and liver, he has A lot of really bad bruses, and some other things, worst of all is he cant walk and is dependant on other people for everything, it breaks my heart, but he is here only because God put Jesus in that truck with him on Tuesday May the 13 th around 4:45 a.m. that I truly believe! Pebo was in so much pain I honestly didnt know if he could take it, but all he would do while screaming and hollering in pain was thank God and Tell Jesus that He went through way much more just for all of us! For those who dont really know Pebo he loves his God and Jesus and will tell any and every body about Them before all this happened! His pain level was a ten and now its a seven with strong meds..thats a good thing! He has to be at the hip specialist tomorrow in Savannah to see if he needs to put his pelvis back together and the tore muscle going down his right hip and leg!! Im not sure how we are going to make it financially but God will provide and we have some of the bestest friends and family in the world!! My mama is staying with us and that we thank God for that! The kids are out of school so we can use their muscles to get Pebo where he needs to go! And we know all we have to do is call our friends/family and they will be here quick! Its nice to know that! And please pray for me too that I stay strong and not worry so much anybody who knows me knows Im a worrier and will flip out at any given moment....I just cant do that now!! Thanks for all the prayers and keep praying Im afraid we have a long row to hoe! Thanks Robbie Jerome Crapps for everything you have done and will do! Thanks Carla Thomas for being here with us! Thanks Austin and Steve Fenton for all yall are doing! Thanks Dusty Arnold and Rachel Sauls Arnold for the food and stuff! Thanks Robert Jarrell for the groceries and other things! Thanks Debbie Morton for working all them days for me! We love yall and appreciate everything! If I left anybody out I didnt mean to! Im so scattered brain right now! Love you all!
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 15:26:15 +0000

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