Firstly I must convey my deepest sympathy to Mr Hennings wife and - TopicsExpress


Firstly I must convey my deepest sympathy to Mr Hennings wife and family. Theres not a single good decent person living who are unaffected by this wicked act of medievil Barbarism.!!!------All be it for me to advise on Military Strategy but why why why do they need to use a missile costing many thousands of pounds to destroy a Pick-up Truck?? Its like useing a14 pound Hammer to knock in a Drawing Pin.!!! Every day for nearly a week theres been footage shown of that incident.! Not very clever.All Media cover should be stopped,all it does is contribute to Isis propergander.---let there people take the pics, then we might see these evil Rats come out of their holes!!! What ever happened to STEALTH.???
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:51:57 +0000

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