Firstly Id like to welcome all new members on the Zimbabwe News - TopicsExpress


Firstly Id like to welcome all new members on the Zimbabwe News for us Zimbabweans platform and extend a huge thank you to all members of our community on this progressive platform. Please continue to support this initiative by participating and engaging positively, continuously inviting and adding as many friends as possible daily. Your presence and participation is wholly appreciated by our team. Thank you all At the top of this page we have a pinned post Rochelle Johnson, which defines our group. A reminder to all about what we stand for is that, the Zimbabwe news for us Zimbabweans group is wholly founded on the Premise that it is a portal for ALL people from all walks of life, and a fearless voice on issues that directly affect their livelihood. It does not matter whether you are Black, White, Coloured, Shona, Ndebele, MDC, Mavambo, MDC T, MDC 99, Zapu, MDC Renewal or even disillusioned Zanu PF. No one is more important than the other and no ones issues are less important than the other. On issues about the motherland, we all stand united against a common enemy to justice, peace, equality and prosperity for all. No one needs a reminder about, what is the source of our demise. It is therefore important to remind group members that there are people of all races present on this platform and no abuse, disrespect or intolerance towards others will be entertained. We can talk about Mugabes rants, but never should we be the voice that fuels hatred and divisions by spewing the same divisive propaganda. Zimbabwe is a nation that is composed of people, some alive today whose parents were living in caves and dressing in animal hides just 130 years ago when the settler column arrived. There were no coloured folk in Zimbabwe before that. The original coloured folk arose from the inter racial relationships created by this stage of our history. Coloureds are family and thus we cannot therefore be found to be denigrating whites who are family to our kith and kin. Millions of Zimbabweans are living in forced exile in the diaspora due to the crisis in the motherland. It goes without saying, that there are hundreds of inter racial marriages between Zimbabweans and countless nationalities worldwide, including countless inter tribal marriages between Shona and Ndebele that have arisen from this. We must always be respectful to everyone and work towards uniting everyone and intergrating the extended family into the motherland. To the discerning eye, our challenge as a nation is absorbing everyone to live amicably post Mugabe and his Zanu PF. We must recognise, accept and respect the fact that the Zimbabwe diaspora are family and all their children, black, white, coloured, any mixed race etc are Zimbabweans. As Zimbabweans they hold the same rights and priviledges as all of us. We cannot let a man whose mindset is locked into an era 130 years old define who we are. Black versus White wars and Ndebele versus Shona wars were all part of an uncivilised, painful, regrettable, well documented, savage history which we cant deny, but cannot afford to live under. Mugabe has craftily managed to always lead by using the Divide and Rule tactics which keep Zimbabweans locked in fighting irrelevant tribal and racial battles . It is primarily the same battles why we have such a weak and divided opposition in place. Case in point , is the Democratic Movements,..neeed I say more? The world has moved on and we must all work towards forgiveness, healing and moving the nation forward as one. Zimbabwes National Constitution recognises the following as our official languages : Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, Sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, and Xhosa. This is beautiful as it shows the diversity of our languages and culture , but sadly, whereas most of the other groups are silent , marginalised and almost non existent in most peoples books, the three that stick out like a sore thumb are Ndebele, Shona and English, all stemming from uncivilised battles 130 years or more old. Mugabe has successfully managed to keep the nation gripped with fear, suspicion, hatred and divisions over the past generation, a dead and buried one for that matter, and made no effort towards uniting people but clearly worked towards dividing us throughout. His divisive tactics clearly manifested themselves in the gukurahundi genocide, and the murderous Zanu PF war veteran led , white farm invasions. We constantly keep our heads buried in sand, in total denial, divided amongst ourselves with anger, hatred, fear, suspicions and vengeful agendas that never allow us to step back a moment in introspection over this, because we would immediately realise that by simply uniting, we can unseat an oppressive regime, work together towards peace, justice, unity, equality, and prosperity for all, not just for a select team of Zim 1 family, cronies, securocrats and Zanu PF stalwarts. If , how we are living today, the entropy in place, suffering of our people and the crisis in the motherland is defined by issues relating to Blacks and Whites, Shonas and Ndebele, stretching back 130 years or more, issues that none of us experienced, is it right then, that, our children and descendants should face the same challenges. Lets embrace the reality that someday the Zimbabwean president could easily be a Zimbabwean of any tribe, race or colour,...end of story! It is up to our generation , to free our minds from this retrogressive, mental oppression, forgive horrors of the past, heal a broken society, bring about full closure, unite and move our motherland forward, bound together by love for one another. Our choice of leadership and representation at all levels from the most basic grassroots structures all the way up to the top at Central government or national level, is the pivot to how our future pans out. The power to change everything positively lies in our hands,....Wake up Zimbabwe! All enthusiastic writers, are welcome to contribute stories/opinions by email to [email protected], Everyones participation is important. Where we naturally disagree with other writers points of view, it is vital to offer constructive criticism only. The abuse or disrespect of fellow group member is not acceptable. We can all live and enjoy our time , in each others company in this group 24/7 without anyone making anyone uncomfortable or fearful. If you havent already done so, please join now at https://facebook/groups/zimbabwenews/ and enjoy regularly browsing the site. Zimbabwe news for us Zimbabweans group is complemented by its powerful sister website, sunrisezimbabwe or sunrise2all Please, click on the website link, sunrise2all, the website that makes it all happen. Your support is of paramount importance in this unprecedented and unchallenged and unmatched progressive group. Without you all, we wouldnt be in place. Please continue to add as many friends as possible to the group. Once again, thank you kindly to all new and old members. We are all in this for Zimbabwe, the motherland. Join now and do your part! Join, join, join, please dont procrastinate!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:04:22 +0000

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