Firstly, many thanks to all of you who managed to attend the clubs - TopicsExpress


Firstly, many thanks to all of you who managed to attend the clubs AGM last night. After getting through the official business it was good to have some constructive discussions about new proposals for the TT series (thanks Hendrik) and the Sportive and BAR trophies (thanks Matt) Of more concern, however, was the feedback about the Club Runs starting from LLC. The concern, expressed by many experienced riders is that, for a variety of reasons, some of these runs are disjointed, competitive and show little concern for those riders struggling with the pace on the day. The Club has clear guidelines as to what is expected from a good Club Run (whether it be the faster group of the standard Club Run) so can I make an appeal here for all riders to adhere to those guidelines please - see here: Ride numbers for Club Runs at LLC have declined recently and, arguably, this lack of consistency may be at the root at that decline. Thanks for your co-operation - end of lecture! As for this Saturday, it is looking like the weather Gods are continuing to shine on us with the forecast currently showing: Sat: Sunny Intervals, 13-17C, 2 mph W - does it ever get much better than that?? The proposed routes, as per the new Autumn list just loaded earlier today, are : 13-Sep-14 LLC Twa Bridges for a few Dollars more - 55 miles 9.00 am gb.mapometer/cycling/route_3863355 Ride Leader(s): Duncan Turner (if poss..) 13-Sep-14 ECSC Carnwath Apple Pie - via Carstairs 8.00 am gb.mapometer/cycling/route_2295053.html So lets see if, given those great conditions for riding, we can get a good turnout for both locations and a return to disciplined group riding! You know it makes sense... Many thanks. N.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:30:16 +0000

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