Fiscal responsibility is the beginning of recovery. Repeal the - TopicsExpress


Fiscal responsibility is the beginning of recovery. Repeal the ACA and open up the market. Before the anti-trust suit against AT&T, I once had a 900 dollar long distance bill. Now I have free unlimited long distance. I think all of us would be able to afford good health benefits if we had an open market. If people could afford it, they would buy it. Most people DO want health benefits. If you get the IRS to disburse the funds, you can throw away the tax code and charge an 18 % flat tax. Instead of giving low income families free money, subsidize health benefits for them. Payroll deduct premiums and direct payments to the chosen providers or auto enroll people who fail to enroll by a certain date. Somehow the medical services that poor people are receiving have to be paid for. It would clearly be more cost effective to supply health benefits to the indigent, than to supply the full payment for the services they are receiving. The ACA is LAME DUCK legislation that is doomed to failure eventually. It is ridiculous. You cannot force people to buy a product under constitutional law, but you can refuse to to provide any services to people who will not participate. The un funded mandates of free emergency care are driving up the cost of health care for everyone of us.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:52:49 +0000

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