Fit & Fierce Testimony from a beautiful 1.0 & 2.0 Graduate who - TopicsExpress


Fit & Fierce Testimony from a beautiful 1.0 & 2.0 Graduate who lost 19 inches, gained some pretty muscles, and healed her digestive issues. Although there is never really a graduation/end - there is simply a continued journey to a healthier lifestyle... Amy is off to a great start and has all the tools she needs to embrace this healthy journey - with the results to show for it! Congratulations, Amy! We are so proud of you and we are excited to see your lifelong results. (Next Fit & Fierce 4 Life program begins September 13th- stay tuned for the sign up link coming soon) Amys Amazing Testimony: I am so grateful for Rhythms & Fitness and that I made the decision to do the Fit & Fierce program. What a journey it has been for me! I have always been an eater - out of boredom, emotions, stress - food was my drug of choice. I ate the wrong foods, almost never exercised, took every pill in the book for weight loss and tried every diet on earth. I have gained and lost weight for my entire life. I always thought that I knew the right foods to eat and it was just a matter of me doing it. Wow - was I wrong. This program opened my eyes to so many things...I now love veggies, trying new foods and I find myself preaching to others about organics and the importance of reading labels. Very often, I hear myself and think, WHO IS THIS PERSON? A very huge benefit of eating clean for me has been the effect on my digestive system. Everything used to give me a stomachache. It was just part of my life - I was used to daily stomachaches and everything making me feel horrible. I had visits with gastroenterologists, internists, even had a colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with IBS by my OBGYN. I am so happy to report that the stomachaches are a thing of the PAST as long as I keep eating healthy nutrient-dense foods. The biggest blessing that has come through this program is my self-confidence. I know that there is nothing I cant do if I put my mind to it. Other like-minded women who lift me up when I am around them surround me now. Fit & Fierce 4 Life is SO worth it. THANK YOU Leading Cast Rhythms & Fitness. And an extra special THANK YOU to Teresa Gleason, Nutrition & Fitness Expert for giving me the encouragement and pushing me when I felt that I didnt have it in me. I am forever grateful.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:13:08 +0000

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