Fitness Tip Friday-7/18/14 #FitnessTipFriday Which one came - TopicsExpress


Fitness Tip Friday-7/18/14 #FitnessTipFriday Which one came first Cardio or Weights? Oh wow,what a dilemma!! Almost like the chicken and the egg. I had a person come up to me and ask which one is should you do first, cardio or weights? I asked him what was his goal he said he was just trying to just get back into exercising. So I wanted to tell him this short story: One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. ‘Which road do I take?’ she asked. ‘Where do you want to go?’ was his response. ‘I don’t know,’ Alice answered. ‘Then,’ said the cat, ‘it doesn’t matter. (~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland) This simile goes hand in hand with your goals in life. If your fitness goal is general then basically any type of exercise will get you to your destination. If your goal is more specific then wouldnt it make sense to have your exercises structured around what you are trying to accomplish? Heres an example: Would a cross country runner be concerned about there max bench press? Would a ballroom dancer care for how much they can squat for a 1rep max? Yes it is pointless! A sprinter who is trying to become more explosive would focus on agility drills and power jumping. Some one who wants to run long distance would focus on endurance exercises and may mix it up with speed to improve on their time. If youre looking to lose weight and you arent used to exercising, then simply any exercise routine can get you there (because youre burning more calories than youre used to). Your route of outcome is dependent on your nutrition. If you continue to eat like an IFBB Super heavy weight off season professional bodybuilder, like most Americans do then... well Ill let your imagine take control of that. Enjoy!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:05:09 +0000

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