Fitness Tip of the Day: The Body-Mind Connection - University of - TopicsExpress


Fitness Tip of the Day: The Body-Mind Connection - University of California, Berkeley - Wellness Letter - June 2014 Many individuals have heard of the mind-body connection or how the your mental state can affect your physical state. You know...that feeling you get when your heart races because you are scared; or blushing when you are embarrassed... But, what about the reverse...the body-mind connection? Do you think altering your physical state can affect your mental state? There has been numerous research that has shown that body position, postures, gestures, and facial expressions do influence how you think, feel and even behave. Examples include: wrinkling your nose may make an odor seem even more unpleasant or by raising your eyebrows, you may even seem more surprised by something you read. Another interesting observation has shown that how you lean may affect your perception of size: If you lean to the left, youre likely to think the Eiffel Tower is shorter than if you lean to the right! And, finally studies recently have shown that washing your hands can lessen feelings of guilt and remorse. Most of the studies that have been done on the body-mind connection focused on various power poses which involve open-positions...arms and elbows away from the body and chin raised- compared to closed postures where the legs or arms are crossed, the head is down, and the body is slumped or slouched over. In a small study that was done in the journal of Psychological Science in 2010, showed that people who sat or stood in expansive poses for just one minute not only felt more powerful and in charge, they also had an increase in testosterone and a decrease in the stress hormone-cortisol. So by simply changing ones actual posture, an individual changes his or her mental and psychological systems to endure difficult and stressful situations, the studies have shown. In addition, the European Journal of Social Psychology in 2009 confirmed that just sitting up straight, a simple power pose, may increase self-confidence. In fact, those who did a task while sitting up straight, chest out(confident posture) rated themselves higher and more confidence in their self-attitudes than those who sat slumped, with face looking down at knees(doubtful posture). That is...fake it till you make it. Did you know that power poses may help lessen pain? A study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology in 2012 stated that individuals who assumed expansive yoga poses (standing with legs apart and arms raised) had higher tolerance to discomfort and pain than those with submissive(kneeling) or neutral poses(standing with hands at sides). And, I think its amazing that the researchers also concluded that even if you dont have control over your circumstances, you can behave as if you did by assuming, a dominant pose, which, in turn, may decrease sensitivity to pain. In conclusion, although the research on the body-mind connection is in the early stages, it still suggests that you may benefit from paying attention to how you hold you body. 4 Poses To Ponder: *To increase perseverance, cross your arms: A study in the European Journal of Social Psychology in 2008 found that when people crossed their arms while trying to solve an insolvable puzzle, they persisted longer at the task at hand than those in a neutral position, who had their arms over their thighs. Also, when solving problems, arms crossed may be associated with better performance. And, although society has stated that crossing arms gives the impression of defensiveness or disinterest in interpersonal settings, it can be good for achievement. Yeah!!! I love this.... *To increase willpower...tense your muscles...the Journal of Consumer Research in 2011 stated that subjects who clenched their fists or contracted their leg muscles, had better self-control in various situations ---such as having to drink a nasty health tonic, tolerating the pain of icy water, giving up money, or resisting tempting foods. Also, this study showed that the body, not just the mind, can influence self-control. Or, steely muscles can lead to steely resolve. The key then...may be to firm your muscles before your willpower runs out. *To improve your mood, smile. Grin and bear it! A study in 2012 in Psychological Science confirmed that students who simulated different types of smiles while performing things that were stressful had lower heart rates than those who were not smiling. A study from 1988 showed that engaging your smiling muscles made people rate cartoons as being funnier. So, yes...just lowering your eyebrows(frowning) had an instant effect on ones mood in a 2012 study in the journal- Emotion. *To be more levelheaded when shopping, assume a balanced position. A study in 2013 by the Journal of Marketing Research, studied whether wearing high heels, stepping off of an escalator, or engaging in other balance-activating activities can moderate your spending habits....It may...When individuals were paying attention to different states of balance---standing on one foot, leaning back in a chair, playing a Wii Fit game. When they were focused on their actual balance, they were more likely to buy a midrange t.v., rather than a large expensive one or a small cheap one. In addition, they were more likely to make compromise choices for a printer or a car. Overall...I found this study fascinating.....the body-mind connection...what do you think? Ponder on these poses...try them....see if you feel differently---one step at a time!!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:57:57 +0000

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