Five FACTS you need to know for losing fat! 1) Stress less - if - TopicsExpress


Five FACTS you need to know for losing fat! 1) Stress less - if you stress your body will raise cortisol which will create inflammation in the body. Cortisol will also block vitamin D uptake that is needed at the cellular level to make your metabolism go (along with your t3 hormone from your thyroid). 2) Hydrate - dehydration is a signal to the body that theres a problem and it will hold onto EVERYTHING while creating a inflamed state. Both of these things will prohibit and slow down fat loss. 3) Stop eating less and moving more - no thats not a typo! If you start to exercise but dont fuel your workouts properly your body will turn down your metabolism. You might get an initial loss but long term weight loss will slow and stop. Hormones decide what fat loss looks like - if you dont know how to work the diet, lifestyle and hormone changes you will be disappointed in your fat loss. You must correct all three for long term success. 4) Be intentional - if you think that eating willy nilly will promote fat loss you are wrong. You have to make time and plan out your meals. I know it is hard work but if you want to see change you have to make changes. 5) Fat is smart. Did you know that your fat cells dont just make your pants tight but they also secrete hormones? Yes, its true. Fat cells make estrogen and leptin just to name a couple. Your fat cells have jobs to do so while you might be hate them. You do need some body fat to remain healthy.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:09:23 +0000

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