Five Simple tips to scale through the semi final stage 1. Read - TopicsExpress


Five Simple tips to scale through the semi final stage 1. Read your application well: Most of the questions you will be asked will be about YOU and all that you CLAIMED you have done (or doing), they will be running a “mental cross check” to see if the man/woman standing right in front of them is “equal” to the “exciting application” you have sent in. Don’t try to over impress them, simply give them simple answers that correlate with what you have done and make references to your application e.g. Like I said in my essay….blah blah blah. Making reference is a validation that those are really your thoughts and words. 2. Practical discussion: Make sure you provide real life example whenever you talk about what you do. When you make a statement, you can say for example…last year October, after we took the Children off the streets…we did XYZ. That sounds like it. It gives them “a real life feel” of what you are doing rather than leave them to imagine it themselves. Don’t talk too much about what you intend to do in the future, focus more on what you have done (or doing)….that is what they really want to hear. 3. Sell yourself: The whole idea of getting you to come over is to hear you sell yourself. If you can’t market and sell what you have, who will? ….when I was asked to talk about myself in my time, rather than start by the very monotonous thing of my name is Shola. I said, friends and family consider me very unusual….i have come to believe them overtime cos I do Unusual things. My name is Shola. I talked briefly about my educational and family background, when and how I started my entrepreneurial journey, my motivation and drive etc. Without being aggressive….You must be able to transfer some energy here (it’s called Passion/fire), if not…No one will buy what you are selling. 4. Utmost Confidence: Americans love confident and expressive people. Make sure you engage them with your body, hand gestures and eyes contact. Don’t fake accents…speak in clear simple English but make sure your body is doing more of the presentation. Move your eyes slowly from one panelist to the other and stay more on the person who throws you the question. Shifting your eyes away from the panelists (or looking down) could be interpreted to mean you are lying, dodgy or timid. Do not despise your confidence, it’s so magical friend! 5. Detachment: Do not ever put out a desperate vibe, it is counter-productive. Don’t try to argue or defend yourself even if they put you on the spot….it is a fast way to lose it. Your life or existence does not depend on going to America (if they ever sense this is your case, you are out). Stay calm, you are not just going to the U.S….You will be hanging around the U.S President and all the guys from the white house. You need a Presidential aura! I believe in you and I pray all your dreams come true…take care friend!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:35:38 +0000

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