Five days of tension, restlessness and unrest and finally there is - TopicsExpress


Five days of tension, restlessness and unrest and finally there is some ease. The floods in Jammu and Kashmir have left us shaken. My Aunt (Bua) and Uncle are residents of Srinagar and these floods have devastated their home. They had to camp at their neighbours place on the third floor for 3 days in extreme conditions, until they were rescued by boats. Jhelums fury ravaged their house and has left them in an acute state of shock. By Gods grace they could run to their neighbours, we cannot get ourselves to think what would have happened if it wasnt for their three-storeyed house. Were indebted to their neighbours, the Muslim family who did not even take a second to take in my Aunt and Uncle. They were all together in this and took care of each other like family. In spite of being in such crisis, this family not only sheltered people but provided food to 75 other people around their house, through baskets tied on ropes et al. The human spirit never ceases to amaze us and there are thousand of such examples that I can put forth because of first hand information. They werent Muslims or Hindus or Sikhs, just plain humans trying to help another human from the devastation. The locals took it as their responsibility to help each other. There are no words for the role the Indian Army has played in rescuing people. Most of them were caught unaware, with 70% of the valley under water, there was respite for very few. Many people have pointed fingers saying the army is not doing anything and favoring certain people, but I would still say that they have been instrumental in evacuting thousands of those stranded. Enthusiastic volunteers and various independent organisations from all over the world have poured in to help millions of people in Jammu and Kashmir. The scale of this natural calamity is unimagineable and it will take more than just physical support to get life back to normal in the valley and around. Thousands have succumbed to the tragedy. There are still more missing. Millions have been displaced and are frantically trying to save whatever is left of them. I cannot express the relief I have to know that all my family in Srinagar is safe. At the same time my heart goes out to all those who have lost their loved ones. May God give you the strength to come out of this terrible tragedy and may the souls of those youve lost, rest in peace. The damage is irrepairable, but there is a lot of power in prayer and I sincerely beg everyone to pray for Jammu and Kashmir. I sincerely plead everybody to help and not politicise the situation there. Please do not convert it into a communal tragedy by putting posts and statements that suggest any kind of favourism or communalism. I know a lot of people would want to take advantage of the situation and spread disharmony and further unrest. But please, when those stuck there are not discriminating, who are we to judge anyone on preconceived notions. Nature has struck humans; there is no place for inhibitions of caste, color, religion or status. Pray and help in the earnest. They all need every bit of it. Ekjot Bhasin Manjot Singh Arora Amreen Dhingra Mandheer Dhingra Navneet Singh Nameeta Kaur Ruby Arora Sudhanshu Bhasin Shina Bakhshi Tania
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:38:48 +0000

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