Five reasons I support Seretse Khama Ian Khamas decision to - TopicsExpress


Five reasons I support Seretse Khama Ian Khamas decision to withdraw from some of SADC & AUs ongoing agreements. The African Unions fragile unity is threatened by inequalities among the member states. The very reasons advanced by Botswana with regards to free and fair elections challenges the myth of unity in Africa. Take for example the case of Zimbabwe where it was agreed the elections were free, but the salient fair was completely eliminated from the picture. A trend is emerging in Africa, a trend on power struggle, where African powers are trying to establish themselves or appear as homogenise. Even wrongdoers such as Mugabe are appeased in order to reinforce a certain ideology or regional grouping. Per these regional or ideological groupings principles and mechanisms that are supposed to govern these organisations are bypassed. Hence illuminating SKI position to de recognise some of the already existing treaties. SADC member states lack the most basic unifying factors within most regional bodies such as a legal tradition, single language and currency. It does not end here, these states in most occasions are not even signatories or parties to similar international conventions. The relationship in SADC member states has basically been hinged upon the idea of electorate monitoring in individual states by members. Personalised agendas to dominate other states in Africa has overshadowed the main priorities of these organisation. A perfect reason to exit the arrangement, it does not benefit members citizens in any way. The growing trends by these wannabe African powers if unchallenged will result in disparities which will further disadvantage growing economies such as Botswana. Major or these growing powers try and limit most landlocked states access to the sea or the ability to diversify their economies in their efforts to dominance. These organisations were formed to champion development of African member states not limit it. Mugabes appointment as the vice of the AU executive council clearly shows how the organisation has lost its mandate. The executive council is suppose to be composed of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs or such other Ministers or authorities as are designated by the Governments of Member States. Appointment should be based on merit as opposed to reacting to on going issues. How will Mugabes appointment benefit the organisation, he failed in the most basic structure, his country. What are the benefits of being a member so far? AUs Peace and Security Council was formed to oppose unconstitutional governmental changes in Africa. The arm emphasised sanctioning wrongdoers and promoting shared governments while a return to a constitutional order is being implemented. The PSC promotes compromises which usually results in the very same old regimes regaining full control of the government. Another drawback in PSC is its inability to hold perpetrators accountable, possibly through criminal prosecution or those responsible for criminal offences under domestic law or acts amounting to crimes under international law. It appears the AUs power sharing deals comes with some form amnesty, as evidenced in the Mauritania 2009 deal. Just like SKI highlighted, AUs decision to protect members state leaders from prosecution at the ICJ denies member citizens of the justice within their lifetime.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 22:33:59 +0000

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