Five weeks ago, I left Atlanta, down on my luck, looking for a - TopicsExpress


Five weeks ago, I left Atlanta, down on my luck, looking for a positive change and headed west. In Atlanta, I never could save enough vacation days to quell my thirst for adventure and get out to the western mountains and west coast more often. I have been talking about moving to the west coast for a few years now, and actually got to final interviews on jobs on several occasions out here, but never got the job. I wanted to be closer to the Sierra Nevadas and other mountains so as to have regular access to them, and do it while Im still in my 30s without a family. Also, I have always longed to be a part of the progressive cultures on the west coast, where the heartbeat of cutting edge innovation and new free thought seemed to be headquartered. A place where possibilities were limitless and not confounded by so many cultural boundaries rooted in tradition and many times held down by ignorance. Three weeks ago, I arrived in California after a road trip across the Rocky Mountains and the desert, with no job and no idea where I was going to live. I had to fight hard to ward off bouts of fear of economic insecurity and trepidation about career misdirection, coupled with loneliness and isolation due to leaving the people closest to me behind in the southeast, and literally being homeless. What huge losses I have experienced so recently. Fortunately, I believe in helping others freely, and likewise, believe in receiving help. Although not so familiar and safe, I am beginning to find a new support network. Thank God for the people who have lent a helping hand to me out here in California. They helped bridge the gap while I job searched and started to lay down initial foundations for a new home. If you primarily know me through Facebook, you might know that I rarely mention work on the internet. However, my professional background is actually a large part of my daily life. At the risk of speaking too soon and sharking myself, as we used to say in golf, I just signed an offer letter for an Industrial Engineering Manager position in Los Angeles, and Im signing a 6 month lease for a studio right by the Pacific Ocean in an awesome little beach town in Orange County California, called Seal Beach. I will be a 3.5 hour drive from the Sierra Nevadas and the tallest peak in the continental United States. I dont know what will happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month, to change the path that Im on, but recent challenges, efforts, faith, and victories, give me renewed hope in the future. Amidst uncertainty and real risk of failure, I actually have started to believe in myself as a thread in the universal energy underlying the totality of things. Some people call that energy, God. We are not bound by anything except our own fears, doubts, and lack of true wisdom and knowledge. Whether its moving where you have always dreamed of moving, getting in the best shape of your life, running your first marathon, going back to school to change your career and life, or getting out or a destructive relationship, what is holding us back from shedding those invisible boundaries?
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:49:31 +0000

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